Thursday, May 20, 2010


A friend comments that “he must have been spectacularly ugly if they don’t want anybody to know what he looked like”. This pursuant the information that in addition to banning Facebook, the Pakistani Government has now also banned Youtube. Because of the ongoing nonsense about 'Everybody Draw Muhammad Day'.


You would think that a society so massively plagued with low literacy rates, malnutrition, prostitution, sex slavery, rape, and child-molestation - a society that has shown NO redeeming qualities in over a generation - would have other fish to fry. At least something more important to worry about than the chance that some of its population would inadvertently see badly drawn pictures of some frowsty long-dead Arab mendicant.

Nope. Sorry. If even one Paki, no matter how blitheringly insane, sees a picture of a bearded hippie, the world will end. Violently.

“He must have been spectacularly ugly if they don’t want anybody to know what he looked like”

Pakistanis, as is by now well known, riot at the drop of a hat ("turban").
Thousands of them, including usually at least two literate people, will rush into the streets to burn flags, scream death threats against Europe and America, and wave their fists in the air.
The literate people (both of them) are tasked with writing slogans in Urdu or Siraiki, and occasionally English. Despite the clear kufrat of speaking any other language than the blessed Urdu and Siraiki of the holy Prophet (Muhammad Pbuh), Pakistanis like to use English as a sign of culture.
The illiterates (all tens of thousands of them) scream, weep, wail, jump around wiggling, and generally enjoy a sense of superiority over everyone who isn't Paki. Except, of course, for their sacred prophet, Muhammad Pbuh. Who had the misfortune of being born Arab. Though they all feel that he SHOULD have been a Pakistani.

[There's some nonsense about Pbuh meaning 'peace be upon him'. Seeing as there is nothing peaceful at all about the icky religion that sprung from his fevered and superstitious mind, nor any peacefulness in the lands dominated by his rather savage and unbearable followers, this blogger instead holds by the theory that Pbuh means Peebooh. It makes much more sense, don't you think? Peebooh. Evocative of a scare in the toilet, or perhaps the sound of intestinal gas. Peebooh. "Oooop, you scared me, Peebooh." Peebooh. Muhammad P'buh. 'Mo' to his friends, jolly nice chap. Mo Peebooh. ]

Well, at least the Prophet Muhammad ('mister Peebooh') wasn't a Punjabi or a Sindhi.
Thank heavens for small favours!
I rather like Punjabis and Sindhis.

While the howling mob venerates their pal Muhammad (aka Pbuh Saheb), problems such as child prostitution, massive bureaucratic corruption, a legal system which has collapsed, illiteracy on a scale scarce seen since the middle ages, rampant crime, rape and sexual exploitation, acid attacks, and the sheer desperate vulgarity of Pakistani popular culture fade into insignificance. Peebooh. Take comfort in Peebooh, burn something for Peebooh.

“He must have been spectacularly ugly if they don’t want anybody to know what he looked like”

Pakistanis admire the UGLY in the world.
They have made their country resemble it as much as possible - sort of a reverse Midas touch.
They seek to be 'one with Peebooh'.
It's rather sweet. Incredibly stupid, but sweet.
Please don't call them dumb fox.

I expect them to ban spell check and soap tomorrow.
Like banning Facebook and Youtube, it will have no effect; most Pakistanis have no access to any of those things anyhow.
And again, there's that MASSIVE illiteracy and poverty....... and those turbans that are wound too tight, cutting off oxygen......


The back of the hill said...

To clarify: not personally knowing this Muhammad Peebooh, I have no intention of 'insulting' him, honest.

I do, however, wish to insult the Pakis. Oh boy yes.

The back of the hill said...

If I've also managed to insult a bunch of other people, that's icing on the cake.

The back of the hill said...

Can't think of any more dysfunctional bunch than those folks. As a society, they went off the deep end long ago.

The back of the hill said...

And despite suicide-bombings on a near-daily basis, they persist in thinking themselves a right proper bunch, everyone else insignificant and base.

The back of the hill said...

So yeah, this post was meant to insult the poor brutes.

The back of the hill said...

Not the illiterates, of course. Just the two percent who can actually read and write.

The back of the hill said...

And their various vakils who have thrown a fit over 'Everybody Draw Muhammad Day".

Don't you guys have anything better to do?

The back of the hill said...

Or are you just whoring yourselves to the mob?

The back of the hill said...

Just like your religious leaders?

The back of the hill said...

Who are predominantly a bunch of sick murderous sociopaths with inferiority complexes.

The back of the hill said...

Complexes which are fully justified. Other than calls to massacre people, what have the Ulema achieved in the last several centuries?

Legalizing child rape really isn't a moral triumph, you know.
Even if Aisha was allegedly nine years old, and a good Muslim (meaning, usually, a lousy human being) is supposed to follow the prophet's example.

The back of the hill said...

Anyhow, if you wish to talk back, please do so.

But not in Urdu or Siraiki - no civilized person speaks those languages.

The back of the hill said...

Quote: "a good Muslim (meaning, usually, a lousy human being) "

Not to imply that 'good Muslim' necessarily must equate to 'lousy human being', please understand.

The back of the hill said...

It's just that the standards set for 'good Muslim', especially nowadays, don't seem to include goodness or anything even resembling 'good'.

More often a mental rigidity and priggish self-satisfaction.

The back of the hill said...

Plus frightful intelorance.

Which probably explains why you have driven so many Muslims who actually were 'good' to suicide, to drink, or to emigrate, and to convert.

You've done your damnedest to kill the rest.

The back of the hill said...

Plus your frequent suicide bombings in crowded markets sure don't inculcate democratic values, no matter how much they please your mullahs.

Dynamite - it's viagra for Muslim fanatics.

Anonymous said...

From Sweden.
If muslims kill Sweden artists is it self defense to kill muslims?
Help me to cure and help muslim children from islam.
Send this info to muslim childrens home page,
When "prophet" mohammed was 50 he marry a 9 year old child,
So he was a fucking pedophile and a slave owner.
Watch and read
it´s not mine ip nr

The back of the hill said...

My dear Anonymous,

Your comment is even more over the top than mine in some ways....

You wrote: "When "prophet" mohammed was 50 he marry a 9 year old child,
So he was a fucking pedophile and a slave owner.
I would venture that many pedophiles are "f*cking". During the Colonial age, European pedophiles frequently had opportunity to do so in the conquered territories. Now they have to enter religious orders for that. Or join do-gooder organizations active in third-world countries..... or even serve in UN peacekeeping forces, where exploitation of local underage girls in war zones is so common as to be a constantly flaring scandal.

And as far as Aisha (the nine-year old referenced above) is concerned, I would argue that the idea that she was nine-years old came about as a result of the Caliphate's need to emphasize that her purity and virginity qualified her kinsmen as successors to the Prophet over rival cliques.

I mentioned that previously in
this post
as an addendum near the end.

Quote: "Sources suggest that succession and legitimization issues may have influenced the narrative - her father Abu Bakr (Abu Bakr As-Siddiq also known as Abdallah ibn Abi Quhafa, 573 CE to 634 CE) became the first Caliph after Mohammad's death in 632 CE. Additionally, she is the source for many of the ahadith of the prophet's life, which later generations took as sources of authority. So there may be more to her reputed age at the time of her wedding than meets the eye.

I choose not to believe the traditional narrative on that score. Like much that has the sanctity of religious tradition, there is an element of fantasticism and hyperbole.

The back of the hill said...

And as for the slave-owning assertion, I should mention that slavery has been dreadfully common throughout history.

Greece, Rome, and the entire Mediterranean world were slave societies. During the middle-ages in Europe, the peasants were often virtual slaves - in some cases very real slaves (droit du seigneur, serfdom, servitude, etcetera).
The massive despoilation of Africa by European and American slavers happened AFTER it was discovered that Europeans, no matter how pressed, whipped, and indentured, tended to die in the tropics, while enslaved natives of the Americas had an unfortunate tendency to run away.
The Dutch maintained slavery in ALL of their colonies up till the middle of the nineteenth century or even later (Batavia at one point had vastly more slaves than free people; burgers were a minority of a minority).
Slavery was also common in East-Asia till about a century ago - not a problem as far as the West was concerned, as it was just "those people".

Human civilization, for thousands of years, shows the exploitation of the many by the free few.

And of course, during that entire time, child-rape (or even "voluntary" congress with an adult by the child) was NOT an issue, unless the child was either property of another, or the son or daughter of a citizen. Even in such cases it did not matter much, unless the owner or citizen were powerful enough to make it matter.

The back of the hill said...

My main beef is not so much with the Islamic religion (even though, as a 'gnostic' creed, it is definitely heretical and to vigorously be avoided), nor with the folkloristic traditions of the prophet and the umma (much of which is complete nonsense, more of which is clearly 'embroidered'), but with the thugs and primitives that dominate Muslim societies in the modern day.

Specifically, people such as the Pakistani Ulema, the fractious lawyers of Karachi, Lahore, and Rawalpindi, the unwashed illiterate fanatics that infest the entire Urdu speaking zone and Pathan territories, the pestilent mullahs and khatibs throughout the Muslim world, the despotic bigots who rule the Umma, as well as the half-wit bullies who enforce stupidity, ignorance, intolerance, and adherence to the repulsive ideologies and standards of Salafism and Wahabism.

If every monarch or popular leader in the Islamic world were shot, it would be a damned good thing.
They are tyrannical, their societies corrupt, their people uncultured, violent, and crude.

Tzipporah said...

And here I thought the comments would be filled with angry opponents decrying your post, but it's just you... oh well, I'll have to look elsewhere for viscious back-and-forth. Maybe in the gardening archives. (organic vs. chemical can get quite heated)

The back of the hill said...

Well, what with Pakistan banning Facebook, Youtube, and, as of this morning, Twitter, there probably aren't more than a dozen Pakistanis cruising the internet today.

Of whom nine are looking for hardcore pornography.

The other three are a research engineer, a lonesome homosexual, and a Jihadi.

So I rather doubt that many Pakistanis will discover this post.

The back of the hill said...

"YouTube and Flickr are blocked. Twitter was blocked too, though I was been able to access it again a few hours ago."


"The actions by the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority is getting out of hand. Wikipedia is going down and more and more people, I think, are beginning to realise the impact of this decision.
Only about 8% of the country's population are internet users. So for the majority of Pakistanis, life continues as it is. They are protesting against the fact that there are cartoons and condemning something they haven't even seen.
There are wider issues. The internet has become a way of life itself. If they continue to block things, this is going to hinder Pakistan's progress.

The speaker of the words above was nearly beaten up for speaking against the ridiculous bans yesterday, by the way.

Tally so far: Facebook. Youtube. Twitter. Flicker. Wikipedia.

Truly, an example to the world.

Spiros said...

Hey, might be as well to moderate your coffee consumption.

The back of the hill said...


Anonymous said...

That suggestion is definitely over the top Spiros. Asking BOTH to moderate caffeine levels is akin to asking a devout Jihadist to take bacon with his scrambled eggs. Simply unthinkable.

Fatima said...

My favorite entry for Draw Muhammad Day here:

ViciousKitty said...

When the interviewer asked if killing American soldiers might negatively affect Muslims in the United States, Awlaki responded abruptly: "Is protecting the reputation of Muslims in America more important than bombs dropping on millions of Muslims elsewhere?

Go ahead. Just remember, dude, many of us Americans also have guns. And ethnic stereotyping is something we're VERY good at.

Krishnan in Canada said...

From the Washington Post:
A series of international terrorism incidents linked to Pakistanis, including a failed car bombing this month in Times Square, has prompted many Pakistanis who once had deep ties to the United States to look elsewhere for work, education and travel. It has also left some Pakistani Americans feeling uneasy in their adopted homeland.


A dozen technology students in Islamabad and Rawalpindi who once would have given anything to work in the United States said they were instead seeking jobs in Britain, Australia, Canada or the United Arab Emirates. Several said they had heard about humiliating searches at U.S. airports and spoke angrily of Pakistanis being branded as Islamist radicals. The Times Square incident, they said, was the last straw.

Last straw for whom?

"Now the Americans will think we are all terrorists," said Asalan Khan, 21, who recently completed a course in cellphone technology and plans to work in South Africa. "Why should we study so hard, take all those tests and pay all those expenses if they are not going to respect us?"

Perhaps because too many of you are not worthy of respect, and a fair number do turn out to be dangerous?

The effects of the negative publicity could be lasting, Khan said.

Lasting? Yes, definitely, beyond a doubt.

"We're going to have a whole generation of kids . . . growing up seeing their parents sitting down every night and the discussion was this whole terrorism thing," he said. "I think they'll need therapy, once this war ends, telling them they're not terrorists."

Don't forget to tell that to the ones who get arrested for "righteous resistance". Which must Pakistanily mean suicide bombings, attempted car bombings, as well as guns, plots, plans, and similar incidental factors.

But it's all good. Mustn't stereotype, eh?

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