Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Two comments made elsewhere in recent days have particularly caught my attention:

"It's because of pseudo intellectual douche bags like Mr. Back of the Hill is why anna nichole smith's post mortem drama was on the news 24/7 where as an ex-president who died around the same time hardly got a mention. we'll get you a fresh new bottle to stick in your pie hole and change your diaper soon enough so quit your belly aching."

"Dear ATBOTH, some of us know you're a raving hypocrite, as are the rest of SF Voice. Perhaps Dan was the only pure one in the end."

Yes, I know both of the people who made those comments.
Henceforth I will be sleeping late on Saturdays.


e-kvetcher said...

what's this all about?

The back of the hill said...

For four years, every Saturday, I've been part of a counter-demonstration across the bay.

FoDuring those years I've treated our side to coffee afterwards. As a "community building" thing, and to encourage a sense of unity among us.

According to one of the regulars, however, I have a lot in common with a person whom he cannot stand. Besides, I lack a sense of humour, and cannot possibly appreciate fine intelligent cartoons. He's basically told me I'm a useful idiot.

That other person, by the way, thinks I'm either an infiltrator and/or a PC-Gestapo moron. He doesn't respect any of us, but particularly, he cannot fathom why I am involved, far less why anyone even deals with me. And, it should be noted, he thinks ONLY Jews have a real and sincere pro-Israel point of view, so in his eyes I am absolutely suspect.

A third person thinks I'm a "scared little pussy", and sides with the first person.

I am the recipient of sneering e-mails which leave no possible doubt of their opinions.

I'm tired of people who are not even within the organization sabotaging what we do, and sniping.

They can have their Saturday demo.

Given that I cannot trust them, and they cannot stand me, I will not stand with them, and should not be in the same demonstrations as them at any other time.

Four years. That's four years of not enough sleep, and shlepping across the Bay. Shoyn genug.
I'll chup a langere shluff av shabbes now. Finally.

And note: these people are not part of our organization, but independent and sporadic "fellow-travelers". Allies of convenience, as it were.
I have no problem with the organization. Just with the rogue element.

The back of the hill said...

And also please note that it does NOT mean that I will no longer be active.

It DOES mean that I will leave if they show up at a demonstration.
I will not stand with people who cannot control what comes out of their mouths, and by their hateful comments make the rest of us look like fools.

If I see them, I'll just collect my signs and flags and leave.

The back of the hill said...

And, further to the affair, a number of them have viciously commented underneath this post:
(clickably: Decent). They passionately defend the saboteur who vandalized Rabbi Lerner's residence, and attack anyone for criticising that act.

Targeted vandalism, in their eyes, is one hundred percent justified. Those of us who object are saboteurs, traitors, and fools.

I'm 99.99% positive the vandal is one of the commenters attacking critics of the action.

e-kvetcher said...

What bollocks...

Reminds me of this

The back of the hill said...


Anonymous said...

Sadly sighs. You'll be missed.

-Eclectic Infidel

e-kvetcher said...

I read the comments - I think you are making a wise decision...

The back of the hill said...

Thank you, tayere e-kvetcher,
That means a lot to me.

The back of the hill said...

Oh, and Eclectic Infidel, we should do whiskey at the seegah place again soon.

lemon curry? said...

Anna Nicole Smith?

Anonymous said...

Vocal idiots do not assist us in what we are required to do. And in the case of this particular sugar stirrer, "The dogs bark and the caravan moves on."

Tzipporah said...


Seriously, BoTH, save your energies for people who appreciate you.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about what coffee on Saturdays has turned into. And what those others have done by trying to muzzle in. They actually called you an infiltrator? What won't they stoop to?

Only Jews truly care about Israel? Come on, Israel is the only democracy of the Middle East. Of course other people should care. Look at how Israel has taken in refugees from Darfur and Cambodia, and how gay and Christian Palestinians have been granted asylum. The gay community should put supporting Israel as a top priority.

I may not like Michael Lerner or agree with him, but doing what those people did is unacceptable and smacks of seventh grade level maturity. Someone mentioned that a pro-Palestinian group may be behind it, trying to make our side look bad. I don't know how to get evidence, but I would believe it. Subhuman slime going by names such as Matthew Taylor, Lily Haskell and Stephen Pearcy would certainly stoop that low.

Anyway, I am very sorry that this had to happen. You don't have to like or agree with everyone on your side. At one protest, I saw someone protesting with us wearing a Jews for Jesus sweatshirt. Jews for Jesus is as bad as Jewish Voice for Peace, in my opinion, but I did not say anything to her about it. I decided that in the context of that protest we were Zionists first, united against the enemy of Islamofascism supported by the far left.

But, it truly is their loss. I'm not entirely sure who said these awful things, but I have my suspicions. I probably would be doing the same thing if it happened to me.

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