Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Apparently, I am a Jew Faggot. This per a large very dark gentleman representing International ANSWER, organizers of yesterday's protest in front of the Israeli Consulate on Montgomery Street.

Or it could be that he was a member of the Muslim American Society Freedom, the National Council of Arab Americans, Free Palestine Alliance, Al-Awda - International Palestine Coalition for the Right of Return, Bay Area Women in Black, Society for Justice in Palestine, ISM, the Spartacists, the South Bay Alliance, the Anti-Zionist Jews, or Jewish Voice for Peace. All of whom were either sponsors or participants in the largest Israel-bashing fest in SF since 2006.

But the group he represented is not the point. He was utterly convinced that I was a Jew Faggot, and very vocal about it. He does not appear to much like Jew Faggots.

I have no problem with the term, so it is with profound humility and pride that I accept the appellation 'Jew Faggot' as a badge of honour.

I was also informed by several other supporters of the Palestinian cause that I was a dog, a pig, a monkey, inhuman, the son of a whore, and that I deserved to be shot, gutted, slashed open, have my children killed, and see my wife raped.

[Given that I am, apparently, a Jew Faggot, it is not clear what is meant by the term 'wife' - explication is required. Thank you.]

And by gum, they believed themselves the ones to do all that - if only there weren't so many witnesses, dash it all.

4:45 PM - 6:45 PM

At which approximately 100 - 120 supporters of Israel meet nearly three thousand screaming Palestinians, Peace activists, Presbyterians, Pakistanis, and assorted other Protestants and politically obtuse personages.
Plus some angry people from the Yemeni mosque on Bush Sutter Street between Polk and Van Ness (At-Tawfikheed Yemenis Cultural Center).

[Correction 01/05/2009: Masjid Al-Tawheed, 1227 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94109-5516. Denomination: Sunni (Salafi). Demographics: Predominantly Yemeni. Prayers offered: All daily prayers including formal jum'a. Language of Friday khutbah: Arabic (w/translation). Imam & Director/President: Sheikh Qaid. And regarding that mosque and its congregants, it must be mentioned that they generally speaking have improved the moral tone of the neighborhood - which is known for prostitution (both genders, and both transgenders), inebriation, and public displays of procreation, plus both partner and substance abuse. It is a lively little part of town.]

We (that being myself and five others) arrived at quarter to five with our Israeli and American flags, and it was already apparent that our side was vastly outnumbered, also that the police had lost control of the situation. The SFPD wanted to keep both sides apart. They failed utterly to do so. The anti-Israel mob occupied all of the street on the consulate side, and most of the other side of the street as well. Our people were surrounded on all sides, scattered in clumps among the screaming masses of anti-Israel activists, Muslims, and generally hate-filled opportunists. Several times the jostling and elbowing threatened to turn violent.

The cops' main focus had devolved to preventing angry confrontata from turning into active bloodshed, OR windows being broken. Nose to nose screaming matches, pushing and shoving - all fine, as long as it did not lead to punches, flying objects, shattered glass.

The SFPD actually achieved both of those humble aims, though they did not achieve anything else. They did not want to wade in to physically separate the sides, probably because of the danger that the Arab-Americans or ANSWER members would go feral.

[Besides, Jews can take care of themselves - as one bloated red-faced woman's sign said, one dead Jew means 300 dead Palestinians, and we were not even outnumbered thirty to one.]

Two hours of angry rioting and threats of death, plus several incidents that could have become bloody, do not leave me with any positive appreciation of the pro-Palestinian side. Which includes Bay Area Women in Black, Jewish Voice for Peace, Students for Justice in Palestine, and International ANSWER, in addition to agitators bused in from San Jose (South Bay Mobilization), Marin, and various heathenish pig-butt boondocks.


The anti-Israel side had one slogan in English, and several more in Arabic.

The English-language slogan: "Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea" - which frankly states the intent to destroy the Jewish state and ethnically cleanse the land.

The Arabic slogans: "Itbach al Yahud" (slaughter the Jews), "Falastin balad'na w'al Yahud qalab'na" (Palestine is our land and the Jews are our dogs), "ba ruh, ba dam, nafdeek ya Falastin" (with our soul, with our blood, we will cleanse you oh Palestine), "al mawt al Yahud" (death to the Jews), "Khaybar Khaybar ya Yahud, jaish-Muhammad saya'ud" (Khaybar Khaybar oh Jews, the army of Muhammad will return).

[That last slogan refers to the battle of Khaybar where the prophet Muhammad opportunistically attacked and slaughtered the Jews who had been hospitable to another Arab tribe. The subsequent sacking of Khaybar by Muhammad's forces re-energized the brigands who had flocked to his cause, and persuaded several Bedouin tribes to join Muhammad's forces in hopes of fun and profit.]

While the Arabs screamed their desire to exterminate Jews, the English-monolingualists simply stood there happily smiling their approbation. The correct pronunciation may have been beyond them, but they approved of the sentiment. Which is proven by their resolute continued presence and solidarity.
No, they do NOT have plausible deniability - the 'river to the sea' slogan shows that they wish for a genocide against Israel, and translations of the Arabic slogans have been provided so many times that they cannot claim ignorance of the meanings.
Besides, the angry Middle-Eastern Jew-hater with a bullhorn, and the rabid white chick with an equally loud bullhorn and a grating voice, made plain in great detail what the peace movement's plan for Israel and the Jews entails, as did the numerous threats and insults directed at our side by both Arabs and Anglos.

Bay Area Women in Black, in particular, should be ashamed of themselves - we know that they read our material, and they've stood side-by-side with Arabs making the Nazi salute at many other events where promises of death and destruction were chanted by the masses (hello Ron/Ralph Berg, this means you).
JVP, seeing as it has a number of not-entirely-clued-in individuals, is perhaps excusable - their familiarity with Judaism and Hebrew is that poor that they cannot possibly be expected to have any greater facility with Arabic, and they are somewhat slow besides.

At about twenty to seven PM, the vast mob headed down Montgomery Street towards Market, obediently tailed by the SFPD, worried that windows might be broken or garbage cans overturned if they were not there to keep order. Quiet returned to a street filled with ripped signs and splintered poles, and Israeli and American flags were carefully rolled up, ready for the next lovefest.

FINAL NOTE: On our side, maybe as many as ten percent (but maybe not even five percent) were not Jewish. On the anti-Israel side, despite the huge number of politically correct Jews there, at least eighty percent were Gentile, of whom about half were not Arab. This tells me that Jews cannot rely on the Gentile world for safety and justice - there just aren't very many people who give a damn about the Jews.
But you already knew that, didn't you?

One more time: 120 to 3000. Twenty five to one. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers - the few, the proud, the Jew Faggots.
I love you guys.


jojo221 said...

I have no problem with jews
(that it good jews, which are very few if any). Israelis on the otherhand are murderers who must be stop. Palestine has the right to defend it self from Israeli terrorism and the world has finally opened its eyes and have discovered who the true terrorists are. FREE PALESTINE!!!!

P. H. Atherton said...

jojo221, that's so lovely that you have nothing against Jews. Then in the next poorly constructed sentence you assert that there are hardly any good Jews and then vilify Israelis who defend themselves against the savage, jihadist, bloodthirsty, death-cult madness of Hamas and their supporters.

You people simply don't live in the real world. But then, I suppose your so-called-prophet taught you that there is no real truth, only what works for Islam. So you don't have any moral code other than killing those who oppose Islam. Everything else is just details.

Back Of The Hill, I am truly sorry there were few Gentiles at your counter protest. Please be assured that there is a rising tide of support for Israel from us Gentiles. Long overdue, but rising nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

Free Gaza from Hamas!
Free Lebanon from Hezbollah!
Gentiles for Israel Unite!

Anonymous said...

I find the term gentile offensive. I find the term infidel offensive. They imply that the gentile/infidel is less than Jewish or less than Muslim. Rather than simply non-Jew or non-Muslim. People are not more or less valuable based on their faith. We all have the same human value, even if we don't deserve it sometimes through the horrible things we do to ourselves and others. That said, Israel must do what it must for defense and I will continue to pray for the softening of all hearts on Earth.

Anonymous said...

Lessons to be learned:

Hamass & arabs try to play war to kill Jews (& each other) while arabs worldwide jump up & down for joy.

So Israel now plays war & knows how to kill Hamass

So Hamass now hides or tries to escape Gaza while Arabs worldwide whine like little girls.

Spiros said...

Pretty big of jojo to not have any problem with good jews, by which I suppose he means jews who will turn the other cheek whilst being herded into the cattle cars...I am starting to feel an uncontrolable, goyish urge to sing "Kumbaya".

Norm said...

Back of The Hill, we are proud of the job you did representing the many millions of people in America who support Israel. You and the other supporters are very courageous. I can just simply say Thank You !!

JoJo, you are a loser.

CoolWater said...

Thanks Backofthehill for standing up for us! They say we are pigs, sons of whores,etc. But HaShem's people prevail!Go Israel! Go IDF, We fight on the side of HaShem!

Avi Schwartz said...

I didn't think there were 3000 of them...half that at most.

Anonymous said...

Why does the main stream media ignore this?

If those hate-mongers targetted blacks, it would be all over the airwaves and they would be prosecuted.

amyrpk said...

Hey. Some of my best friends are/have been Jew faggots.

More power to you, from this side of the pond (and just-the-other-side of the 40 km grad rocket range) ...

Rebecca said...

Thank you for standing up to the anti-semitic haters of Israel. May the proportions at the next demonstrations be reversed (3,000 pro-Israel, 120 anti-Israel).

Anonymous said...

As a native Californian and a former resident of the bay area, I have said countless times that Jews need to get the hell out of that frigging hellhole. It isn't a good place for Jews to live, the entire Bay Area, which prides itself on "diversity" is the most bigoted place in the USA. I have never met such ignorant and pathetic examples of "Jews" as I did in the Bay Area. They go beyond assimilated. They're just stupid, uneducated jerks that decry Judaism out of complete ignorance of their religion.

Move someplace where Jews are welcome. In Boston there were a TINY group of anti_israel demonstrators vastly outnumbered by pro-Israel supporters. The police kept them apart and there was no violence. I've been to many such demonstrations in Boston and it's always the same. In the Bay Area, the one protest I attended had Arab supporters pushing Jewish children and behaving violently towards Jews while the police, who are apparently just as AntiSemetic as the protestors, looked on and did nothing.

It's a hell hole, the Bay Area. A disgusting place for anyone who loves being Jewish to reside. It will never change as long as the vapid ignorant politically "correct" idjits remain there. My fear is the Portland will be the next outpost of stupidity as the people leave SF and move north to "hipper" environs.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, for doing what you did and for sharing it with us.

But alas, violence against Jews in America is not new, and it did not begin all of a sudden with this latest Operation against the Hamas.

Just last month, a young man with three children was beaten in the streets of Bal Harbour, Florida, only a few miles from my home, for the crime of being Jewish. He was attacked only because he was wearing kippot.

Broken glass was placed in a Yeshiva playground sandbox in Philadelphia back in June of 2008. In May of 2008, they painted swastikas on a Parkland Florida Synagogue.

The Holocaust Memorial in SanFran was defaced this month, but it has been defaced before the Israelis began this operation.

Swastikas were drawn on a sidewalk and the walls of a Yeshiva in my neighborhood over this past summer and a Chabad House on Miami Beach was gutted by arson last year.

So. The terrorists shoot their rockets into Israel and I am always telling my friends who live there how worried I am for them, that they are surrounded by people who hate them. And they say, But not everyone, not everyone hates us, and we love each other.

And these attacks happen here, like the one in Bal Harbour, and my friends, they say to me, Linda, we are so worried about you living there in Miami where these terrible attacks on Jews are happening. They say to me, "You are surrounded by people who hate you." And I say to them, but not everyone hates us, and we love each other.

Am Yisrael Chai. We live. Here, and there. We live.

Anonymous said...

In Dutch fagot is a musical instrument, would you please tell me what it is in English?

Anonymous said...

I was there too.

It was pretty hairy at times.
Me and a few older Jews, one an old IDF soldier from way back stood toe to toe with these screaming pali freaks.
It looked like it was going to get ugly when the cops finally got off their behinds.

They chant "death to the Jews!" then "Israel is a racist state!"

What idiots!!

The time for all Jews to make Aliyah is now!
Get into Israel and into uniform while you still can.
Once Obama gets in things could get ugly.
Remember the lessons of the Holocaust and make Aliyah while you still can.

Hashem is going to burn Sodom, California and soon.

Baruch Hashem,
Dani' El

BBJ said...

Flipje, in English it's an derogatory slang term for a homosexual.

BOTH, I made it over on Tuesday. I saw a gentleman with a sign that sounded like you, and asked if he were Back of the Hill, but he denied it--if that was you, that was me.

Such fun.

Anonymous said...

A fagot is a bassoon.

Dani' El said...

Or a cigarette or a bundle of sticks.

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for the explanation of the f- word.

Folle lok en seine yn it mije jier!

Tzipporah said...

Whee. such fun.

Going back over to DB's to fume again.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Tzipporah was a smoker.

The back of the hill said...

BOTH, I made it over on Tuesday. I saw a gentleman with a sign that sounded like you, and asked if he were Back of the Hill, but he denied it--if that was you, that was me.

Alas, that wasn't me. The three signs I brought (along with a dozen flags) were all lent out to others.

I was holding a flag and carefully listening in to the Arabic utterances. I'm actully getting fairly good at understanding that language, and I must admit, it can be very eloquent (and, so unlike most of us English speakers, Arabs tend to shy away from foul language and coarse terminology - well, many of them at least).

The chap who denied it probably doesn't even know that I have a blog.

The back of the hill said...

Folle lok en seine yn it nije jier!

Thank you! And to you too good fortune/health and broches in the coming year!

Sollst hobn a gezunte und gebentshte neie yor. Le shana tova umetukah ve tikaseivu.

Anonymous said...


The Israeli Government has Refused a Ceasefire and Truce from the International Community!

It has vowed to continue its Mass Executions of Innocent Civilians!

400+ Killed, 2000+ Injured in less than a week!

We Cannot Stay Silent in the Face of This INJUSTICE!

DEMONSTRATE Against The Israeli War Machine
Friday, January 2nd @ 2:30pm
Powell & Market St

Organized by activists in the Bay Area Arab Community, Allies and Supporters of Palestine.

For more information or to add your organization as an co-sponsor contact:
GazaAction [at]

To Donate Medical and Food Aid to Gaza:

1. Palestinian Red Crescent Society;
2. Middle East Children's Alliance;
3. UNRWA; /emergency_activities.html
5. Medical Aid For Palestinians, http://www.bmycharity/com/v2/main_v2/aspx?p=donation&id=395758

Volunteers needed to make placards and phone calls! Call the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition at 415-821-6545.

Anonymous said...

These people showed up again:

I recognized several of them.

And the phrase "berroh beddam nafdeek ya ... etc." can and has been used for everything and everyone.

Berroh, beddam, nafdeek ya Saddam (as chanted by Arab-Israelis during the first Gulf War while the scuds were raining down on Tel Aviv).

Berroh, beddam, nafdeek ya shaheed (glorifying suicide bombers as martyrs - murder equals martyrdom if the perpetrator blows himself up too, by strange logic).

Berroh, beddam, nafdeek ya Islam (when you oppose another sect of Islam and think of them as heretics).

Berroh, beddam, nafdeek ya Lubnan (screamed when the Hezbollah operative in your village brings you all together for a demonstration against Israel / America / Anti-Syrian agitators / Cable Television / Immunizations / decadent electricity / Intercourse with sheep.

Anonymous said...

Cocerning the phrase birrooh, biddam, this:

"The June 1967 War started when I was eleven. The days preceding it were filled with wild rejoicing. Many people took to the streets, overjoyed by the moves of Gamal Abdel Nasser, Egypt's president, which included ordering the United Nations Emergency Forces to withdraw from the Sinai and closing the Straits of Tiran, and King Hussein's signing of a defense pact with Nasser. They shouted: "'Ashaa Hussein wa Nasser" ("Long Live Hussein and Nasser"), "Bil ruh bil dam nafdikuma ya Nasser wa Hussein" ("We sacrifice our spirit and blood for you, Nasser and Hussein")...

See this link:

Anonymous said...

And this:
"At some demonstrations, Iraqi flags went up with Palestinian flags, as the two battlegrounds became conflated in Arab eyes. I remember the chants. “Wake up, Arabs, save your Palestinian and Iraqi brothers!” Or, more to the point, “There is no god but God and America is the enemy of God!” And then, an appeal that was at once clichéd and resonant, earnest and hollow: “Biruh, bidam, nafdeek, ya Baghdad,” marchers chanted outside Cairo University. “With our soul, with our blood, we sacrifice for you, Baghdad.”


From 'Night Draws Near' by Anthony Shadid. Chapter One - The City of Peace

CoolWater said...

What's this "PROTEST THE ISRAELI MASSACRES IN GAZA!!!!" I protest the Massacres of the Jewish People!!!!And your sick mind that thinks your the only ones dying. More Jewish people die because of you and Israel is more humanitarian than your false god allows who isn't real anyhow.Give me a stinking break!! We don't hate, we spare life wherever possible. You motto is"Kill the Jews" and no exception!

Anonymous said...

Please repost this as a diary to Daily Kos. The people there are getting their message only from the "peace activists" and they need to get a proper idea of who the "peace activists" are. Don't forget to post a comment as a tip jar and stick around to answer others' comments since this will raise a storm.

Anonymous said...

Palestine shmalestine. Am Yisrael Chai!

Anonymous said...

Thank You for being brave in the face of madmen. Please try to stay safe.

Anonymous said...

Bless you for your bravery in the face of such venomous evil.

May I speak for my whole state & say you are welcome to come here - no protests, those chicken shit protesters don't even make a peep here.

Be safe!

Anonymous said...


We are many in the gentile world support you. Quietly, without much fuss, we pray and donate money and time. The protestors are the same crowd who appear at various protests, leftists, anarchists, islamists etc.
I am only saddened that you have not seen enough of the gentile support.

Dani' El said...

You are wrong Texas,
Take a look at

They have a video of a Protest in the great State of Texas posted there where the cops had to escort the proIsrael folks to their cars.

And no arrests for the arabs who were breathing threats, crossing police lines etc.
Dhimmitude in TX is alive and well.

Go IDF!!!

Anonymous said...

I skipped over most of the comments, although what I read resonated with the same tone as the blogger. I think in Arabic that is kezza kezza kezza... or blah blah blah. I don't speak or write arabic, so anyway, that's how the word sounds.

Anyway, I had a good chuckle with my husband last night amidst a conversation about these current affairs. Being Gentile myself, but also being Native American so partly heathen, and my husband being Muslim, my idea was CASINO'S in Palestine!!!

The Israeli's love their Russian hookers, and vices. If you can't route them out of your life, take there money and then buy them out. Really a silly idea, but seems to be working quite well for my people here in the US. Stop lobbing rockets at Isreal and start building Casino's. *chuckles again*

On a more serious note... I remember a story from the Bible from my childhood about the two women claiming the same child. The King decides to cut the child in half. The true mother of the child refuses this solution and is willing to let the other women have the child in order to save its life.

I recognize that my view is quite altered having an aboriginal lineage to this country, and having lived on the squat piece of land left for my people. I cannot wonder if none of these people fighting for this plot of earth in the Middle East are truly Loving it as much as they say. I say, the rightful mother will walk away to save it, and trust that the King, God/Allah, will see this and give vindication in the end.

Brenna M
US Wyoming

Dani' El said...

Shalom Brenda,
I was at the Jew meeting last month and I didn't get the memo about loving russian hookers.
Maybe we need to give more booze to your people so you'll understand the situation in Israel.

We had no choice but to return to our ancestral homeland.
God drove us home, and most of us did not go willingly.

This will happen again as antisemitism is on the march.
We will be making our last stand in Eratz Israel.

If you know the eschatology of the Bible, you would know that Hashem says He is angry with those who would divide His land and give it to those who don't have the promise of the land as a posession.

So even if we wanted to walk away, we can't.

Israel is a tiny state under seige, surrounded by millions who want every one of us dead.
Yet we prevail for one reason alone.
The grace of the Living God of Israel.

Am Yisrael Chai!!
Go IDF!!!

Dani' El
Vexed in Sodom, Calif
Babylon the Great

Anonymous said...

I really didn't realized how the Palestinian's felt until I owned my own house. Then I thought what if an Indian came over and forcibly removed me from my house and land, with no compensation and said get out I am coming home. It's like me going back to scotland or england and claiming some old ancestral castle, it wouldn't fly. That is why I don't support Israel, that was over 2000 years ago. The land you claim was yours especially Jerusalem is also the center of two other religions, what makes your cause and issues any more important than theirs. Last but not least, on a vacation I had in Thailand years ago I met an Israeli army Major, when asked about his job and what he did, he responded "were murderers" and refused to talk anymore about his job. It was very obvious the pain and guilt this man felt in serving as part of the armed forces of Israel, their own people felt they were inappropriate in their dealings with Palestinians. Does it get any worse, the Israelis learned alot from the Nazis and have treated the Palestinians like animals for too long.

Dani' El said...

Another idiot raises his head,
Anonymous, we didn't steal anything.
When we started coming home to Israel, we were buying land legally and doing our best to get along.
It is only when we are attacked that we fight.
If you had any real knowledge of the history of the conflict, you would know that the pali's were driven out by arab instigated wars, 6 of them since 48.
And most of the so called palestinian people came to the land only after the Jews began to make it a bearable place to live in.
You are buying lies about a so called Palestinian people, they don't and have never existed.
This idea only started in the 70's.
Before that, if someone said palestinian, it was assumed you meant a Jew.
You surly don't know that more Jews were forced out of the neighboring arab countries, losing more property, than the arabs who fled Israel.
google "the forgotten refugees" and learn a thing or two before you start running your mouth.
If your are truly interested in having a valid opinion on the conflict, read "From time immemorial"
You've got a head full of lies there pal.

Anonymous said...

Israel only cares about how America sees it, so it will keep getting $2 bil./yr. in welfare money and weaponry.

Let's pray Israel gets nuked by Iran - only then will there be world peace

Dani' El said...

Here's how it works scumbag.
You hope Israel gets nuked, you get nuked.

You think I'm joking?
Wait for it.

Damascus is the next city to get nuked and soon.
Isa 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.

America is the one responsible for the Gaza pullout, and Katrina was the price paid.

So if you think you can throw Israel to the dogs, those same dogs will devour you.
Look for a dirty bomb in your neighborhood soon, jerk.

Am Yisrael Chai!
Go IDF!!!

Our brave boys are kicking Ham-ass as we speak!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

here's an idea: lets start a war in the middle east becasue a handful of judeo land squatters dont want to move from their stolen land.

aww poor jews.

Anonymous said...

485:4 - This is the "jews are more important ratio"

This works out to 121.25 Gazans (overwhelmingly civilians) per each israeli death, at least 2 were non-civilian.

This is the casualty math in a judeo-amerikkkan run world.

Dani' El said...

No, that means we are winning the war.
A war Ham-ass wanted, and got.

Most of those "civilian" casualties are due to secondary explosions of their own weapons that they cynically place in homes, apartment buidlings, mosques etc.
They kill themselves.

And maybe you have not heard. Hamas has murdered over 35 fatah prisoners since the war began last week, and shot 50 more in the legs or broke their hands to keep them from fighting for Israel.
One was shot in the legs for rejoicing when Israel bombed a Hamas leader.

They have killed more of each other since 05 than Israel has in the last week.
They can't even get along with each other, much less Israel.

I'm sure you were not complaining as 4000 rockets rained down on Sderot. Why? youre yet another one of those brilliant nazi idiots.

Follow your leader Hitler and blow your brains out.

Go IDF!!!
Kick Ham-ass in Gaza till their all gone!

Anonymous said...

A Jew Faggot? I didn't know that a bundle of sticks could be Jewish.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's the math allright. It's called victory. That's what happens when you anger a vastly superior force. Don't talk about civillian losses like it's a murdering spree, you have no concept of how war is conducted. Hamas are using their non-combatant residents as human shields, stashing their supplies in schools, hospitals, and mosques to gain exactly the reaction you've supplied. Congratulations, you've devolved into a puppet.

Dani' El said...

May we have more victories like it.
We are used to the wicked world and nazis like you hating us.

If you didn't hate us, we'd have to change our ways.

Here's a bit of wisdom from a friend of mine from Japan-
only 400 terrorists in 3 days???
king hussein of jordan (r.i.p truly great man!) killed in the 70s (black september)
20,000 palestinians terrorists in 3 days!
Hafez el asad (president of syria) killed 25,000
Muslim terrorists in the city of "HAMA" in 1 week!
GOOGLE IT!! if you dont believe me!

ISRAELI Are truly merciful!


More palis have died from Hamas/Fatah infighting than from this attack from Israel.

Saves us bullets.
Go IDF!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't understand people who don't support the offensive. I am just very glad it is going well with only one killed Israeli soldier.

If terrorists shoot rockets at innocent civilians, you have to kill the terrorists. Its not rocket science.

God bless!
Jonathan (I'm not Jewish, but my name has Hebrew origins!)

Anonymous said...

Supporters of Israel, it's time to tell the world and it's invalid opinion, NO MORE!! No more daily rocket attacks from Hamas. If you support Hamas, ask youself this question (especially you so called peaceniks in San Framcisco). If your home gets destroyed by a rocket fired down from Knob Hill, are you gonna sit there and sing Kumbaya, or expect our military to do something abour it? You decide!

Anonymous said...

I dont think this brutal counter strike by Israel is wise. It is uniting the arab and muslim world against Israel. That being said, the Hamas leadership is out of its mind for trying to antagnoize a state as powerful as Israel.

The problem with the palistinians is that they have nothing, leaving them with nothing to lose. If they ever get the economy going and get a decent lifestyle, they will think twice about picking fights with Israel. The key to any kind of resolution is not to bring these people to there knees, which seems to be the strategy.

These people are still human beings and not all of them are fanitical BUT they could all turn fanitical if things keep getting worse and if they see no future for themselves.

Even if they turned peaceful Israel would not let them back in as the israeli people want a jewish state. So regardless of these arabs behavior, they will never be allowed to be part of Israel. The arab states could easily let the palistinians immigrate to these other arab nations, but these arab nations prefer to have the palistinians suffer in order to make Israel look bad.

Anonymous said...

let israel defend itself against known sponsers of terrorism caused by islamic extremists and the fence sitters that fill in the gaps that are left when extremists are brought to justice , at least israel and my country
the U.S.A are on the same page take the war to hamas and wipe out the terrorists i say what ever it takes to stop hamas al qaeda hezbolla any any body assosiated with terrorism, they do not represent freedom they represent one world one power islam and the sad thing is the kill and murder and mutilate in the name of their so called religion.i say to extremists you will burn in the lake of fire .

Anonymous said...

What do you call an utterly worthless, socially maladjusted, culturally bereft, politically terrorist, hygienically backward, semi-sentient semi-human aboriginal?


The world owes Jews a Holocaust, so I say let's rid the world of these vermin cockroaches. Their sole contribution to the world: hate, violence, hate, violence, hate violence...

Anonymous said...

An image is worth a thousand words.

After seeing this, ask your self:

-Who poses the threat to whom?
-Who's thriving, and who is "vanishing?"
-Who is growing richer and who is growing poorer?
-Who is benefiting from the conflict?
-Who is the occupier and who is the occupied?
-Who is the terrorist and who is the terrorized!!?

Anonymous said...

Fuck the Jews. The whole world hates Jews, no one wants them around. All they do is whine about how the world doesn't like them. Even their own people hate them. Hitler was right in wanting to exterminate those whiners.

Anonymous said...

Funny, (or not so funny), I've seen only one report that Hamas has lobbed about 10,000 rockets into Israel over the last several years. Those must have been the rockets of "resistance," while Israel's bombs are from the the arsenal of "aggression."

If you look at the raw video of the "pro-Palestinian" protests in San Francisco, you'll notice protesters raising their hands in Hitler salutes. The Brown Shirts march again.

Anyone for a "Stop Hamas" bumper sticker? In San Francisco, that's probably a guaranteed way to have your tires slashed or your car keyed, or worse.

Anonymous said...

What would the United States do if Cuba started launching rockets into Florida. This comment says it all. Jim...

Anonymous said...

Why are they hate filled? They are freedom seeking! They are wanting to throw off the shackles of their oppressors! After so many years of being held back, the Palestinians want what is theirs. The reason you were outnumbered is because people in this country are waking up to the fact that the United States may have militarily strategic reasons for befriending israel, but they are not justified in tormenting the Palenstinians.

Anonymous said...

Read THE INTERNATIONAL JEW by Henry Ford!!! These Jews are an international band of criminals and BABY KILLERS who have hijacked our foreign policy and and bought our corrupt politicians and control our media but WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE are smarter than they think. I say it is time we stopped financing them and protecting them without us they would not last two weeks. IRAN will NUKE them soon.

Dani' El said...

What a heap of nazi BS.

Tiny Israel is the one under seige.
We are the ones surrounded by many millions who want us dead.
We are the ones who have been under constant attack for over 60 years.
6 times you tried to exterminate us and failed so go to hell!!

God will continue to give us victory until every one of you scumbags are dead.
We tried over and over to make peace with you bastards and you cannot get along with each other, so what's the point?

Time to fight and not stop until they are all gone.

Go IDF!!!
Our brave boys are kicking Ham-ass as we speak!!!

Anonymous said...

A rather long reference to your article can be found at Israel, the Palestinians, and the useful idiots.

Anonymous said...

At 9:05 AM, Anonymous said…

"Yeah, that's the math allright. It's called victory. That's what happens when you anger a vastly superior force."

I know Jews love to talk about how great the Israeli Army is, but it is a bunch of BS.

Without the US money and backing you would be defeated in a few weeks. You guys really kicked ass in Lebanon.

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of "Gentiles" who support Israel's right to defend itself. We are simply not the sort of people who spend our evenings wandering around in the streets wasting time and making asses of ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Dani'El said that what I wrote on my site was "Pure BS," but I would like to know just what he would do.

I have argued that Israel needed to expel the Palestinians back in 1967-1968 if she wished to keep the land conquered in 1967, but Israel didn’t do that. That option is gone now, foreclosed by a huge increase in the Palestinian population.

To say that Israel should fight is fine, but what is she fighting to actually accomplish?

Anonymous said...

Lets look at the facts, land was stolen for the jews to move into, then they have progressively been stealing more every chance they get. They get multimillion dollar weapons from the US to kill 20-30 every Arab to each jew killed and we are supposed to feel sorry for them to??? bull sh*t

Anonymous said...

All you on this blog who support the racist, Islamic militants who demonstrated against Israel are complete and utter fools and pawns. Islam is THE BIGGEST PROBLEM in the world today. Note - I said "Islam" not "Islamic militants or terrorists" or anything else. It is the religion that is the problem. Unless you live in a small country that is surrounded by neighbors committed to your destruction - unless you daily live with the threat of being blown up when you leave your house - unless you live under a constant shower of rockets - shut the hell up! No country on earth should put up with that. Let's not forget the joy and cheering of Palestinians in Gaza when thousands of innocent Americans were murdered bu Muslims on 9/11. Hamas are Hezbollah are nothing more than Arab-Nazi organizations. If you support their actions you should be hanging pictures of Hitler in your home. You are supporting genocidal maniacs. Israel would instantly support real peace with these Islamic freaks. But the freaks are consumed with hatred and bloodlust - apparently even some of your Muslim neighbors in San Francisco!!! Wake up. BTW - I don't have an ounce of Jewish blood. I just have a brain.

Dani' El said...

If that is so, then I take back the "pure BS".
Agreed we should have done so in 67.
And we should do so today.
It is every nations right to remove such a constant threat, esp if it is growing.
Why wait for it to grow any more?

It's like waiting to attack Iran.
The longer Israel waits, the harder it's going to be.

But I'll just add this.
I'm going back to Israel to fight again soon.
And with God's blessings, we will do just that.
I'm tired of this nonsense, time to fight.

Go IDF!!!!

KSS said...

Let me voice my support for the IDF as well. I posted a little note of encouragement on my blog yesterday.

I honestly can't believe how nice the IDF is being in fighting this war google "IDF roof knocking". Believe me, I would not be so charitable.

People need to keep in mind that Hamas are the ones who violated the cease fire agreement. Israel has shown remarkable restraint, we in the US would not suffer 300+ rockets fired in to our territory before responding, no way in hell.

I pray that the IDF can put an end to Hamas in Gaza for good this time.

I am a Gentile but I pray for the peace of Israel.

Anonymous said...

Hamas needs to be cleaned out once and for all. Israel must round up the leadership of this gang of thugs and make sure they never launch another rocket or strap another bomb to someone's body. I hope they have more resolve than they did in Lebanon two years ago.

"If the Arabs laid down their weapons tomorrow there would be peace in the Middle East. If the Israelis laid down their weapons tomorrow it would be the end of Israel."

Anonymous said...

You can count on Gentiles supporting Jews and Israel until the end of times.....the problem for you being in SF is that it is Christians (mostly Protestants).
I would love to bring some 'bubbas' with me from Texas to be a buffer for you next time. Those people that cling to guns and the bible (according to BHO) have your back.

Anonymous said...

Hello to Jew Faggot from Filthy Jew Fag. That's what Arabs called me as I stood in the pro-Israel counter-rally in Anaheim. They also pushed and shoved and spat at me.

Thanks for the report, it's excellent.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said: "Why does the main stream media ignore this? If those hate-mongers targetted blacks, it would be all over the airwaves and they would be prosecuted."

Because the mainstream media is also made of Jew-haters, who see blacks are human beings, but Jews as garbage.

Charley Reese (former editor of Orlando Sentinell) has called Jews "roaches," and just 3 days ago an ABC correspondent has said that if Hamas rocket that has hit a school in Beer Sheva were to hit it a few hours later and kill children, it would be "a small thing."

Hell, listen to any mainstream report on Israel - it's all a bunch of Jew-hating lies and fabrications.

Anonymous said...

I am a gentile, and if I were in San Francisco I would have proudly stood with the pro-Israeli counter-protestors.

I don't think most of the gentile Palestinian sympathizers would be so eager to protest Israel's military actions if they had rockets shot at them.

Dani' El said...

Shalom Gentile friend,
They hate the USA here in Sodom with a zeal.
They protest at marine recruitment centers all the time.
Even if SF was bombed they would say "The Jews made em do it, it's only because Israel provoked them"

And they would throw molotov coctails at the army if they showed up.

It's over the top nuts here.
I'm going to Israel next month.
I've had enough.

Besides, I firmly believe God is going to burn SF and LA soon.
Just like Sodom and Gomorrah.
No joke.

Go IDF!!!

Anonymous said...

Have no fear on the Pro Israel side at this SF hatefest. I was working the lunatic crowd of Jew Haters by finding any Muslim looking person and secretly spritzing them with pig urine I had poured into a small perfume spritzer. Yes, it was gross and I got some on my clothes but who cares. What was important was those MUSLIM heathens were squirted and took the pig urine on their filthy bodies. I might have gotten a few ugly liberal women, too that had short chopped gray hair. But all the same, many a Pro Palestinian protester there went home wearing some liquid pig urine on them. Hopefully, it got spread into their mosque, too.

Anonymous said...

Are there video/audio clips of the chants of 'al-Mawt al-Yahud'? Was JVP present for this?

Anonymous said...

I like to talk about stool.

Anonymous said...

I think you're right about Gentiles in general, but evangelical Christians in the US are probably the best friends the Jews and Israel have.

You also have to remember that the Bay area is overwhelmingly far-left, so naturally more Gentiles there will be on the wrong side. Hold such a rally in a saner area than SF or NY and you'll get better non-Jewish turnout on the Israeli side.

daninkansas said...

Re: Protest:

Been there done that. In January 2007 I counter protested with 40 members of Free Republic at the antiwar rally in Washington D.C. There were about 70,000 antis, about half of whom marched past our little platoon. It wasn't pretty. Thank you D.C. and Park police. Very much. The arab groups had a number of quaint cultural gestures which require little imagination. Our mere presence, (maybe it was that large white flag with the blue star of David) seemed to drive many of the antis into a frenzy, which at some point wore off on us and became comical. But the threats and emotions were also very real. Keep up the good work, and say hi to Medea Benjamin when you see her. Tell her for me how much you love America. A Gentile

daninkansas said...

Re: Protest:

Been there done that. In January 2007 I counter protested with 40 members of Free Republic at the antiwar rally in Washington D.C. There were about 70,000 antis, about half of whom marched past our little platoon. It wasn't pretty. Thank you D.C. and Park police. Very much. The arab groups had a number of quaint cultural gestures which require little imagination. Our mere presence, (maybe it was that large white flag with the blue star of David) seemed to drive many of the antis into a frenzy, which at some point wore off on us and became comical. But the threats and emotions were also very real. Keep up the good work, and say hi to Medea Benjamin when you see her. Tell her for me how much you love America. A Gentile

Bxpansive said...

Thanks for your courage and energy and care for Jews and Clal Yisroel.

Anonymous said...

I'm not religious and Muslims today seem barely removed from the Nazis, but every blog and article I've read brings up the religious element. Yes, I know, Muslims wear it on their sleeve with chants of Khaybar, but Jews don't claim Israel for the most practical of reasons. I seem to recall the chief Sephardic Rabbi saying that a thousand Arabs don't equal a single Jew and that's not a deviation from Moses' opinion. It's not as if Zionism is based on brotherly love. I'm sorry, but I don't feel sorry for either group. I feel bad that my life as an American is put at risk because of three religions I wouldn't wipe my hind-end with.

The back of the hill said...

but Jews don't claim Israel for the most practical of reasons. I seem to recall the chief Sephardic Rabbi saying that a thousand Arabs don't equal a single Jew and that's not a deviation from Moses' opinion. It's not as if Zionism is based on brotherly love.

It's not about religion. Being Jewish is being a member of a nationality. Indeed, the religion is an aspect of that nationality, yes. But the religion didn't count for Hitler, doesn't count for Israeli citizenship, and does not count for anti-Semites. And bear in mind that the vast majority of Jews, both in Israel, and outside, are secular. Staunchly secular.

As far as religion is concerned, however, Judaism is the only Abrahamic faith that pretty much demands that you disagree (shishim panim le Torah - there are seventy faces to Torah, meaning that there are and have to be a multitude of approaches and opinions). The other two do not even allow it.

The back of the hill said...

Besides, who the devil cares what a chief rabbi, Sephardic, Misrahi, OR Ashkenazic, says?

Even the most religious of individuals will happily dissent.

And the secular eighty percent? They think of chief rabbis as trappings rather than authorities.

Rather like American Catholics using birth control despite what the church says about that.

Or Marxists (boy, THERE'S a goofy religion!) voting in Capitalist Elections and buying consumer goods.

The back of the hill said...

I feel bad that my life as an American is put at risk because of three religions ...

Your Americanism does not stand for much, does it?

Dani' El said...

I suppose you are threatened by the Zionists, or the church in America?
Pluralism was (and remains) a platform of Zionism from the beginning.
Yeah we got a few hothead, nutty rabbi's but they are not in power and they never will be in largely secular Israel.

When the Islamonazi's start setting off dirty bombs in your peaceful american town, then you'll know how we have felt for 60 years.
I guess you forgot 9/11.

You think you can throw Israel to the dogs? Those same dogs will devour you!

Enjoy your arab friends you american idiot.

Go IDF!!!

The back of the hill said...

Hello to Jew Faggot from Filthy Jew Fag. That's what Arabs called me as I stood in the pro-Israel counter-rally in Anaheim.


I'm not sure, but when they holler stuff like that I always have to think that they are expressing envy.

Anonymous said...

the other day i was watching the news and i saw something strange: a rocket had punched a hole in the roof of an Israeli school. had any students been there it looked like there may have been some minor injuries, but it really hadn't done too much damage. my friend said to me, "shit, i could do more damage if i rammed it with my truck." then there was an image of an entire city block of gaza that had been leveled with Israeli bombs. my friend looked at me again and said "well shit, that's how to do it. the palestinians could learn something from the jews." i thought to myself, they sure could. if you want to learn how to do terrorism right, look no further than the IDF.

Dani' El said...

Yet another useful idiot rears his head.
Anon, if you had a brain you would know that most of the destruction you witnessed in Gaza was due to the secondary explosion of a Hamas stockpile of weapons.
So if you want to learn how to do terrorism on the pali people, study Hamas' human shield tactics.

They terrorize their own people.

And you being an antisemite idiot, buy their lies, you jackass.

Go IDF!!!

Anonymous said...

Here's a bit of wisdom from a friend of mine from Japan-
only 400 terrorists in 3 days???
king hussein of jordan (r.i.p truly great man!) killed in the 70s (black september)
20,000 palestinians terrorists in 3 days!
Hafez el asad (president of syria) killed 25,000
Muslim terrorists in the city of "HAMA" in 1 week!
GOOGLE IT!! if you dont believe me!

ISRAELI Are truly merciful!

Your friend in Japan is the smartest poster on this thread.

The Muslims are just like Al Sharpton in the US - nothing but ambulance-chasing rabble rousers looking for any small opportunity to play to the media.

IMHO Israel is being overly cautious and showing undeserved mercy in a minor police action; while they should be making war against the terrorist Palestinian state.

Anonymous said...

Death is the only thing Muslims respect. Nuke Mecca, Nuke Medina, followed by high altitude Neutron bursts. Give them a Hajj to remember. Let them pray to hole in the ground for a hundred years. This is what we will have to do eventually. And as bad as this may sound, please remember, I'm a Democrat and voted for Obama. I'm just getting so fucking tired of the aggressive /"professional Victims" that seems to be the mark of today"s Muslims. They are exactly the way my grandfather used to describe the Germans - "They only understand two things, being at your throat, or being at your feet."

Dani' El said...

Anon just above,
Amen. When (not if) Syria attacks Israel, this is what they'll get-

Isa 17:1 The burden against Damascus. "Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city, And it will be a ruinous heap.
Isa 17:14 Then behold, at eventide, trouble! And before the morning, he is no more. This is the portion of those who plunder us, And the lot of those who rob us.

Go IDF!!!

Spiros said...

I hope everyone feels much better.

Killing anyone is regrettable: killing them just because they are Muslim or Jewish or Hindu or X-tian is just plain assinine. Heck, I don't even believe in killing Republicans.

Can't we all just dial down the rhetoric a notch?

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry, but i don't give a flying fuck how many weapons hamas stockpiles in a school, a mosque, a hospital, an apartment, etc. there is no possible way that it's enough to level multiple city blocks. it's literally impossible. however, a couple 500 pound bombs from an israeli plane will certainly do the trick. however, that's not my point.
my point was, don't you see that you're just as bad as hamas and other terrorist groups like them? the only difference is that you and other zionist groups have the backing of the western world. you're just as radical as hamas. you're just as hateful and spiteful as hamas. your goals are polar opposites, yet they are nearly identical to hamas' (it sounds contradictory, but just stop and think for 10 seconds). you want the destruction of palestine just as much as they want the destruction of israel.
and the most glaring similarity between you and hamas is that no matter what people say or how many people die you can't see the errors in your logic, the hate in your speech, or the intolerance you have of people you disagree with you.
as for anti-semitic? not even close. like i said, zionists like you and hamas are both real fucked up. so if you want you can call me anti-zionist.

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry, but i don't give a flying fuck how many weapons hamas stockpiles in a school, a mosque, a hospital, an apartment, etc. there is no possible way that it's enough to level multiple city blocks. it's literally impossible. however, a couple 500 pound bombs from an israeli plane will certainly do the trick. however, that's not my point.
my point was, don't you see that you're just as bad as hamas and other terrorist groups like them? the only difference is that you and other zionist groups have the backing of the western world. you're just as radical as hamas. you're just as hateful and spiteful as hamas. your goals are polar opposites, yet they are nearly identical to hamas' (it sounds contradictory, but just stop and think for 10 seconds). you want the destruction of palestine just as much as they want the destruction of israel.
and the most glaring similarity between you and hamas is that no matter what people say or how many people die you can't see the errors in your logic, the hate in your speech, or the intolerance you have of people you disagree with you.
as for anti-semitic? not even close. like i said, zionists like you and hamas are both real fucked up. so if you want you can call me anti-zionist.

Greg said...

I have no problem with palestinians. (that is, good palestinians, which are very few if any) Hamas, on the other hand are murderers, terrorizers, and cowards hiding behind women and children, who must be stopped. Israel has the right to defend itself against cowardly rocket launches (which serve no military objective, only civilian death, destruction and terror) The world's eyes remain closed to Israel's struggle to survive against an "army" that wears no uniform, flies no flag, and hides behind its women and children. Free Palestine from Hamas!

Thanks be to Jojo for his inspirational comments.

as a gentile and an infidel, i recognize that truth is neither black nor white, that there's two or more sides to each issue, but it's hard to sympathize with a cause that uses aggression, violence and threats as its means to an end. flag burning, death-chants, hate-mongering, mob-mentality: if these methods and attitudes of the pro-palestinian demonstrators represent those of whom they support, I have to lean towards the pro-Israel camp, whose demonstrations always seem peaceful and reasonable.

additionally, as a gentile, I have no fear for my life without a conversion. As an infidel, however, I know there are people, organizations, and nations, that would like me dead, preferably by beheading, for my disbelief in the religion of their prophet, and they have already started their war against me and other infidels. I have a sneaking suspicion that these people are also in the pro-palestinian camp, which, again, makes it difficult to side with them.

humble perspective from a guy in southern california.

Anonymous said...

The Hamas approach to dissent:

Pastable link:


This video is not nearly so blunt:

And clickably:

Of course, who can forget the democratic assumption of power by Hamas:

Also clickably:
Democracy in action 2007

I have no problem with Palestinians. But it appears that Palestinians have problems with Palestinians.

Oh well, glad to see they solved that issue to everyone's satisfaction.

Anonymous said...

And here is what living under Hamas is like:


Looks like a picnic.

BoozeMaster said...

"You people simply don't live in the real world. But then, I suppose your so-called-prophet taught you that there is no real truth, only what works for Islam"

So called prophet,you people? Seriously? How condencending the tone of an obviously superior being as he insults one who believes in one of the Abrahamic religions. If Islam has a so called prophet, then so does Judaism and Christianity the other two ABRAHAMIC religions. "Real world" this fact, Most Islamic extremist don't follow the Koran and I personally feel that the Palestinians are a wee bit toward extreme.Sarcasm aside, personal attacks on the religions and general PEOPLE of either nation does nothing to help the cause.

BoozeMaster said...

Sorry bout my spelling...guess I'm not perfect either,lol...or I may have had a little bit of an afternoon wine tasting...

BoozeMaster said...

I said nations...I think I'm gonna get shit for that...damn

GRANT!PATEL! said...

I said nations...I think I'm gonna get shit for that...damn

Don't understadn why. Nation is a question of identity, not necessarily of legality.

There is one country which is already established - it is a nation for Jews, and of Jews. There is one nation which transcends several borders but does not have a state - Arabs who consider themselves, and are considered by other Arabs, as an entity unique and separate. Indeed, two nations.
But only one of them has a state.

BoozeMaster said...

Thank you for that, I left myself open for random larry attacks

The back of the hill said...

Thank you for that, I left myself open for random larry attacks

Larry attacks? What are larry attacks?

And the term 'nations' is by no means objectionable. The tribes of the pre-European inhabitants of North-America are called nations (First Nations, in Canada), the Jews have been a nation for three thousand years, even though not a state for most of that time. Palestinians have been a nation since the events that set them apart from the other Arabs in 1970.

"The Black September Organization (Arabic: منظمة أيلول الأسود‎, munazzamat aylul al-aswad) was a Palestinian militant group, which was founded in 1970. The group's name was taken from the conflict known as Black September, which began on 16 September 1970, when King Hussein of Jordan declared military rule in response to an attempt by the fedayeen to seize his kingdom, resulting in the deaths or expulsion of thousands of Palestinians from Jordan."

[Source: ]

Some might even say that they have a nation since the Arabs lost the 1967 war - that, too, drove a wedge between the nascent Palestinian 'nation' and their brother-Arabs. One might even say that Nasserism and the fracturing of Arab nationalism into state-based groupings during the fifties, sixties, and seventies created 'Palestinianism' and the 'Palestinian nation'. But no matter. The point is they are now a nation, they see themselves as a nation, and are seen by others including Israel as a nation.

Not all nations have their own state. Or even a claim to land. The Roma of Europe are in a sense as much a nation as any other, despite having no land, no state, and no autonomy.

BoozeMaster said...

Random Larrys. You've met them. They're the clueless guys that spew what they might have heard on the news with personal embellishment in order to appear "in the know". Refuse to be Wrong and most the time are off on some crazy rant that's irrelavent, yet insulting.


Larrys, eh. Never heard that term. But I know the type. They often try to impress one with their knowledge, but within moments betray that facts are not their strong suite, nor their particular interest.

I guess they do news because sports would expose them much faster. Nearly everybody talks of ball games, but international events and politics are so much safer.

Telmac said...

regarding the wife being raped, and you being a jew faggot, I think that they were saying that your [wife(husbad)] is a bitch, specifically your bitch, and that said person should be raped. although that would make them arab faggots, assuming that they were thr ones to do it, or it could mean that said person was raped by a woman, in which case she would have to be killed, unles the were there (watching), and then they would be arab pervs.


BoozeMaster said...

Telmac. Im afraid I must respond in kind toward your comments, since you are obviously a Random Larry and barely made it through third grade with barely enough time to cut eye holes in your sheets, with your extreme insight, I am not surprised that the Klan has only 6000 members nation wide whereas the Black Panthers(who also hate "Jew Faggots") have 60,000. The IQ isn't high enough to congregate peacefully. Now for my response to your comment. "You is retarderest" translate to 2nd grade....You're an idiot,who frequently makes the mistake of opening your mouth to spew filth. That's ok though, everyone makes mistakes, take your parents for example...

Anonymous said...

"Ba Ruh Ba Dam Nafdeek Ya Falastin" We will never stop until our people are free from the slavery of "slaves" when no one wanted you we offered our homes to you and now you murder our children ? Prophet Moosa was troubled by your people He never gave we will not give up,Falastin is our right.

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