Monday, December 29, 2008


What: Counter Protest in Support of Israel
Where: Israeli Consulate – 456 Montgomery Street, San Francisco
When: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 4:45pm

Dear Friends,

Israel is taking care of business in Gaza, and it is upon us to watch her back, here, on the streets of San Francisco. As we have seen from recent events in the region, PR war is a big part of this conflict, and "the streets" is where it’s fought, and no one will fight it but us.

Under the camouflage of "Peace Movement", the haters and the misguided will be holding a demonstration in front of the Israeli Consulate to protest the "Holocaust in Gaza". We ask, where were they for 3 years to "stand for peace" when Israelis were being bombed, killed and injured? We ask why are the fair-minded supporters of Palestinians not outraged by Hamas’s continuous provocations which clearly led to this defensive action, by its human shields tactics, and by its complete disregard for human life, both Israeli and Palestinian? We ask, what would United States, Turkey, Russia or China do, if 750,000 of its citizens were under constant cross-border shelling? We ask the questions that are at the heart of this conflict, the ones that no-one will ask if we are not there!

So be there, with your own questions and answers, and flags and energy, to show by our solid presence our unwavering solidarity with the Jewish State.

For signs to support Israel, please go to:

These posters are ready to send to your local printer. Please bring your own flags and signs, we have limited resources for this event.

Be the San Francisco Voice for Israel!

As always, feel free to make your own signs but please no signs or graphics offensive to any racial or ethnic group including but not limited to Arabs, Islam, or Palestinians. Signs in violation of our policies will not be allowed.


Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...

there was a wild (not very well organized) protest/counterprotest here in NYC that one of my friends stopped by. when he left, there were vans of police officers pulling up with loads of plasticuffs and probably riot gear next. Pro-Israel people on one side of the street and Pro-Palestinian people on the other.

Tzipporah said...

Atlas Shrugged had a round-up of the protests and counter-protests around country.

Just had a ridiculous IM conversation with my SIL about the war. Clearly, most people don't read anything past the headlines.

The back of the hill said...

Steg and Tzipporah, for your entertainment, my account of yesterday's little cultural fest:

A rousing time was had by all.

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