Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Now that the yuletide smarm has crested, and only the letdown is left (yes, I'm talking about the fact that many people did not get the pricy plastic crap for which they pined), I suppose I should mention what Christmas means to me.

Miserable weather.

Growing up in Valkenswaard (a small burg in the Dutch province of North-Brabant), the Christmas season was always marked by drear, fog, rain, gloom, mist, sleet, howling winds, and influenza.

And midnight mass.

We never went, but we could hear them. Our house was on the south-western corner of the market square, the Saint Nicholas church was diagonally opposite. Sometimes snow would muffle the sound, but more often not. The climate has changed, and the famous wintry vistas of the mediaeval masters have long ceased to be the dominant visual in the Netherlands.

Catholicism in the regions south of the three rivers has long been vestigial, a matter of pride and stubbornness more than anything else (except, of course, for pockets of verkramptheid such as produced that bitter anti-Semite former prime minister Andries van Agt).
Most Catholics remember that their parents and grandparents were more or less second class citizens, in practice barred from high position and public office, and with few avenues for education or advancement.
For two centuries after the eighty year war against Spain the church of Rome was banned, and services were held in secret. For that entire time, the Catholic hierarchy of the Netherlands was subject to Calvinist meddling and sabotage, except in nominally separate territories such as Ravenstein.
The regions of Brabant and Limburg were conquered territories (Generality Lands) administered directly from the Hague, not to be re-incorporated or granted rights until the remainder of both provinces had been freed. Which was not part of the program. Not until the nineteenth century did the Calvinists come to terms with the fact that over one third of the Dutch were, in fact, resolutely not Calvinist.

During that period, Catholicism survived. A stubborn and stunted folk-Catholicism, from the ground up rather than from the top down. Defensive, quiet, and hidden from official view.
Catholic faith flourished in the context of the Schutters Gilden - the militia guilds of the small towns and villages in the Meiery of Den Bosch. Most of the guilds were named after the patron saint of the community, and served as loan society, social safety net, and burial society, in the absence of other organizations. During the eighteenth and early nineteenth century, members invested generously in guild silver - plaques, beakers, and such like - both as a means of adding glory to their civitat, and to build capital. Many guilds consequently had impressive hoards of silver, the accumulation of generations.

Which, once the Catholic church was legal again, it energetically set about robbing.

The edifice of the church in Brabant and Limburg is founded upon priestly theft and official connivance.

One can perhaps understand why when the Pope visited the Netherlands, security precautions had to be better than when Hirohito came. Historically, the natives have a bone to pick. Rome betrayed them in the fifteen hundreds, in the sixteen hundreds, in the eighteen hundreds, and in the nineteen hundreds. And denied that they existed during the seventeen hundreds.
There is a history there.

The guilds still flourish, and still serve as the focus of much civic life. They have again amassed silver. The pride in Outer en Heerd (altar and hearth - the two fundaments of small town identity) is stronger than ever. The men of the guilds, on the feast-days of their patron saint still march into THEIR church, with their antiquated weapons and their banners, to the rolling thunder of war drums. It is truly a stirring spectacle.

It might be the only time many of them have actually been there that year.

They dislike the priest, regard the church functionaries as leeches, and genuinely despise the entire foreign branch of the church as thieves, meddlers, and arrogant busybodies.

But on Christmas eve, as per ancient custom, they will once more go to church. And utterly diminish whatever message the padre chose to deliver with the glory of their singing.


The back of the hill said...

For background on the Meierij, see here:

Reign of the generality in fact meant nothing else than oppression and colonisation by the Protestants. There was no self-government and Catholicism was forbidden, which resulted in a flight of the Catholic clergy and occupation of the Catholic churches. Due to high taxes and oppression the bailiwick couldn't restore its old glory and became an intensely poor area without any importance.

Anonymous said...

...and our Father's Father's Father's Fathers...

Anonymous said...

Dries van Agt our former prime minister does have an opinion, to write him to be an anti Semite is out of order.
What do you call a person like Jonathan Pollard or an action like the sinking of the USS Liberty in 1967.

The back of the hill said...

No, Flipje/Tiel, van Agt is indeed an anti-Semite. There is no doubt about it.

Jonathan Pollard is a spy. Why do you bring him up? I shall never defend him, and his weal and woe are of no consequence to me.

The sinking of the USS Liberty was a mistake. And a particularly stupid one at that. Opinions are divided over the cause and circumstances.
Just like there are diverse opinions over the unfortunate accident that caused the death of Leon Klinghofer, or the 241 US Marines who inexplicably perished in Beirut in 1983.

To the European supporters of the Palestinians, those deaths were both accidental and justified. Obviously, as an American, I have a different opinion. I also don't think that the plane that fell out of the sky over Lockerbie simply malfunctioned, but I've heard that better educated European engineering experts have concluded that there were defective engine parts..... sloppy American manufacturing, I suppose. Nevertheless, that too is a European opinion I cannot share. Must be a personal defect.

Anonymous said...

It is impossible for you to judge Dries van Agt, a decent person with style and best of all humor.
He migth tell what a lot of people do not want to hear, if he is an anti-Semite than what should we call the people of Een Ander Joods Geluid.

The back of the hill said...

if he is an anti-Semite than what should we call the people of Een Ander Joods Geluid.

I love multiple choice questions!!!
1. Misguided.
2. Ignorant.
3. Self-hating.
4. Wannabe gentiles.
5. Disturbed.
6. Politically correct.
7. Scared of the society in which they live.
8. All of the above.

And the answer is ... (wait for it) .... EIGHT.

The back of the hill said...

Concerning Dries van Agt, trust me, I know more about that man than I care to. Self-satisfied and self-righteous people like him are unfortunately a dime a dozen.

Plus that verkrampte Kattelieke background from whence he sprang, I've had exposure to that. He may have lost some of the religious convictions of that environment and that upbringing - but he has not lost either the anger, or the fanaticism.

He is, like so many Dutchmen, absolutely certain that he is right. And therefore convinced that those who hold a different opinion are wrong - and not only wrong, they must be evil.

Anonymous said...

But.......................what if you too are wrong.
How do you know your thoughts are the right one.

We can't be this bad, Obama has partial roots in the Netherlands.

The back of the hill said...

How do you know your thoughts are the right one.

The flip answer would be that I am not thinking in Dutch, therefore I am far less likely to be wrong.

In actuality, I cannot KNOW that I am right.

But I do know that most of the anti-Israel rhetoric is wrong. Wrong in the sense of ignorant, wrong in the sense of biased, wrong in that it holds Israel to a higher standard than any other nation, wrong in that it reacts with outrage at almost everything Israel does (while often 'elliding' over the most egregious acts of Arabs), and wrong in that it nuances and spins the hatred and violence of one side, while insisting that the other side is eternally the aggressor.

As you Dutch so often say, when seeking to blame both sides (which in practice means condemning Israel but excusing the Palestinians), 'waar twee kijven, hebben twee schuld'.

The back of the hill said...

We can't be this bad, Obama has partial roots in the Netherlands.

Shoot, if I had known that, I wouldn't have voted for him!

Hee hee hee.

Well, you aren't ALL that bad. Some of you are far worse, and some are much better.

As someone recently suggested, there's a proportion of halvegaren in every population. I'm inclined to think that there are just more of them on the other side of the Atlantic, especially in small tightly packed countries. Living so close together makes for a greater degree of dysfunctionality, don't you agree?

Anonymous said...

To a lot of people in Israel Jonathan Pollard is a hero and should be released as soon as possible.

The back of the hill said...

To a lot of people in Israel Jonathan Pollard is a hero and should be released as soon as possible.

Somewhat less than respectfully, I disagree with them and their pov.

Yes, he forwarded data wich the Israelis had a right to under agreements with the US government. And yes, if the US government had held to those agreements, the Israelis would have gotten that data anyway. And another yes, due to the interference of such high-placed administration officials as Caspar Weinberger, Pollard was slammed with the maximum sentence, unlike such clear enemy agents as members of the East-bloc diplomatic corps, Chinese governmental agents in the US, and even Arab agents.

But oh well, tough. He broke our laws. I do not care what his motivation was, nor do I care how disproportionate his sentence was.

He put himself beyond my concern by acting not as an American, nor as a concerned citizen, but as a spy.

I can understand that many Israelis consider him a hero, and wish him released. They are entitled to their wrong opinion.

Pollard, as far as I'm concerned, needs to sit in jail forever. Just as Mordechai Vanunu SHOULD HAVE.

I do not have a double standard. I do not cotton to the double standard of the European and American left (and the entire frikkin' third world) as regards Israel, and I do not agree with those who support Israel when they show anything approaching such a bias.

My point of view is clear: Israel has a right to exist, with secure borders, in peace. I do have personal opinions about the settlements or the eventual border, but these are matters that will be decided by negotiation.

I refuse to have anything to do with people who yell 'itbach al Yahud' (slaughter the Jews), 'Falastin balad'na w'al Yahud qalab'na' (Palestine is our land and the Jews are our dogs), 'ba ruh, ba dam, nafdeek ya Falastin' (with our soul, with our blood, we will cleanse you oh Palestine), 'al mawt al Yahud' (death to the Jews), or even that popular slogan used by the American leftwing anti-Semites, which is echoed in every single pro-Palestine demonstration in western Europe: "all of Palestine will be free from the river to the sea" - which frankly states the intent to destroy the Jewish state and ethnically cleanse the land.

Anybody who stands with activists who utilize those slogans validates and supports those ideas. That includes Andries van Agt, Gretta Duisenberg, Anja Meulenbelt, and countless thousands of politically correct Dutchmen, Englishmen, Frenchmen, and even 'good Germans'.

The back of the hill said...

Oh, and incidentally, at the demonstration and counterdemonstration yesterday evening in front of the consulate, I was informed that I was a dog, a pig, a monkey, inhuman, the son of a whore, and that I deserved to be shot, gutted, slashed open, have my children killed, and see my wife raped.

This by several supporters of the Palestinian cause.

Screw them.

I was also told that I am a 'Jew faggot'. I have no problem with that term. I humbly accept the appellation as a badge of honour.

And again, screw them..

Two hours of angry riot and threats of death, plus several incidents that could have become violent, do not leave me with any positive appreciation of the pro-Palestinian side. Which includes Bay Area Women in Black, Jewish Voice for Peace, Students for Justice in Palestine, and International ANSWER, in addition to agitators bused in from San Jose (South Bay Mobilization), Marin, and various heathenish pig-butt boondocks.

Screw them.

For the time being I shall not shop at any Arab-owned businesses.

Screw them.

The back of the hill said...

Codicils to the above:

I will also NOT be patronizing ANY Pakistani restaurants or places of business - most especially not Shalimar (run by a bunch of untkichotes from Peshawar and Lahore), Darbar (Indian, but arrogant Delhiwallah muslims - sab Delhimain baqrichot hai), any of the shitty Paki dabbas in the tenderloin (all of them are bigots and unclean), or any Indian restaurant that does NOT have a Sikh on staff.

I will, however, continue to drop by the place in Northbeach run by Monzer Al Shawa from Gaza. Despite the horrendously offensive things that often come out of his mouth, and his verbal slamming of every ethnic group not his own, he has shown by his actual behaviour and treatment of others that he does not put his bias into practice, wishes well on almost everybody, and well-tolerates anyone who treats others with respect. His consideration and kindnesses to many of the down-and-outs on Broadway is exemplary, and deserves commendation.

Anonymous said...

U moet zich niet te druk maken, dat is niet goed voor het hart.

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