Friday, December 12, 2008


Dialogue overheard in elevator:

Blonde no. 1: "Wow, all those smokers. I used to smoke but I quit. Now I only smoke when I drink."

No. 2: "Me too! [...pause...] Of course, I go to a bar nearly every evening.... "

Blonde no. 1: "Thank G-d it's Friday, we get off early today."

No. 2: "Hey, wanna go have a drink after work?"


Somebody needs to teach those girls about the classic combination of a Martini, a good juicy steak, and ciggies. But they're probably vegetarians.
Besides, if it became common knowledge, beef prices might go through the roof.


Anonymous said...

What were all those people doig smking in the elevator?

The back of the hill said...

Sitting room.

Anonymous said...

How about the classic combination of a martini, followed by ANOTHER martini?


The back of the hill said...

That requires cigars.
Not cigarettes.

In which case, might as well go for the cognac.

Or, if Scotch is prefered, a bit of herring, kichel, and a pipe filled with Dunhill's London Mixture or GLPease's Westminster.
Cornell & Diehl's Red Odessa.


There's also the classic combo of blondes and cigarettes. Remember Casablanca? Ilsa Lund (Ingrid Bergman) in black and white, with a cigarette in her slender fingers?

Maybe you don't remember it today, maybe you won't remember it tomorrow......, but soon, and for the rest of your life.


Casablanca is the ultimate cigarettes, blonde bomb, and cocktail movie.

Anonymous said...

I like little blonde boobies!

---Gracious Pervert

Anonymous said...

Casablanca had more to do with champagne and straight shots ("because Yvonne, I love you") than with cocktails.

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