Friday, December 02, 2005


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HaRav Schmeckelstein (soll sein shtark und gesunt), Rosheshiva and Admor

Rabbi Pinky Schmeckestein (soll sein shtark und gesunt) is of course the universally loved and respected Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Chipass Emess - a Torah institution which is devoted to understanding of all facets of Judaism, but especially exegesis and musar.

As an introduction to the work of Yeshivas Chipass Emess, the management of this blog presents a few clickable links, and invites you to embark on a journey of discovery into the heart of Yiddishkeit.

Parshas HaShavua lectures by Rav Schmeckelstein (soll sein shtark und gesunt):

For Seifer Beraishis:
For Seifer Shmos:
For Seifer Vayikra:
For Seifer Bamidbar:
For Seifer Devarim:
For Holiday shiurim:

Rabbi Schmeckelstein (soll sein shtark und gesunt) shares his learned insights into the Torah reading every week (or when he feels up to it). Come gain from his brilliant rabbinic exegesis and share it with your friends.

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The Rabam

In addition to the brilliant insights of Rabbi Pinky Schmeckelstein (soll sein shtark und gesunt), there are also the commentaries of the Rabam (soll sein shtark und gesunt).

Commentaries of the Rabam:

Parhsas HaShavua Commentaries:
Holiday and special shiurim commentaries:

The RABAM's commentary is designed to explain the more obscure references of Rabbi Pinky Schmeckelstein soll sein shtark und gesunt's drashas. As well, the commentary often offers new insights, including a deeper look at some of the historical background of laws, traditions and rabbinic personalities.

The esteemed religious sage, the RABAM, is an enterprising young Rabbi on the West Coast. Many believe the RABAM to be the scion of a lost, great Chassidic dynasty.

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Rav Sterling Shmiel Eliyahu Tyler Tannebaumowitz III

At present there are no writings of Rabbi Pinky Schmeckelstein soll sein shtark und gesunt's talmid muvhak soll sein shtark und gesunt Dr./Rabbi Sterling/ Shmiel Tyler/Tanenbaumowitz soll sein shtark und gesunt on the website of the yeshiva, but once he's been cured of his worrisome tendency towards Literary Deconstructionism, we hope to upload some of his more inoffensive texts. Until then, be patient soll sein shtark und gesunt.

Imirtzashem, he should be well soon. They tell us they're using all the voltage that they can legally get away with....., I mean, all the most modern techniques to cure him of his unfortunate nervous condition. Soll sein shtark und gesunt, bezrasoshem.

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Contacting the Yeshiva:

Rosheshiva HaRav Pinky Schmeckelstein (soll sein shtark und gesunt), the Rabam (soll sein shtark und gesunt), and Rabbi Sterling (Shmiel Eliyahu) Tyler (Tanenbaumowitz) III, Phd Theology, Senior Vice President, NPOJ Intl. (Yeshivas Chipas Emmess) (soll sein shtark und gesunt) are available to answer your questions.

To reach us, please send an e-mail
Please include a one line message saying "subscribe", or, frankly, any other comment you think we'll pay attention to. (We are off in the Bais Medrish and have lots of spare time... err, I mean, are willing to take time out of our very, very busy day of Talmud study to read your e-mail.).

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The Yeshiva is available on line here:

Please note: As you have no doubt heard, we are at present working on a brand-new translation of the collected writings of the Ba'al HaTuretz and the Rebbe of Prolicz (press inquiries welcome). Keep an eye on this space for further developments.

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And soll sein shtark und gesunt
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Back of the hill is an absolute heretic and nobody should read his writings.

Anybody that reads this will be reading apikorsish garbage.


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