Friday, May 24, 2024


For the past several mornings I have woken up from dreams involving warmer places than this part of California presently is. It seems much colder than previous years at this time, but looking back over my notes that is incorrect. Last year in May it was quite unpleasant; the tail end of soggy. Also, it doesn't help that at this very moment I have The Big Lebowski playing in my head. Nice marmot!

Also, I dream of vast pools of coffee. Warm fragrant coffee.

Bogs, morasses, swamps. Buzzing insects hepped to the gills on caffeine. They are alive, and full of pleasure. Silky tofu. They've all got Folgers in their cup!

That can't be the effect of coffee last night before going to bed. I didn't have any.

So I'll ascribe it to blood pressure medication.

It is light outside.

One movie I do not wish to see, and there is no need to even think of watching it, ever, is 'Deliverance'. Which is the Grimms Fairy Tale version of an American coming of age story combined with Elvis Presley. As I understand it, it takes place along a river, so probably also reminiscent of The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer. I think drugs are involved. Tom Sawyer as written by Hunter S. Thompson. With adenochrome.

Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas.
Now that's a movie I could see again. The first time I saw it was the German dubbed version. Everything crazy sounds more remarkable in German. Which I remember everytime I hear European tourists on the street. Hier können wir nicht anhalten, das ist Fledermausland!

It is light outside, but not warm, not wet.
This is not a tropical rainforest.
There are no mosquitoes.
Nor fledermice.

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