Monday, May 27, 2024


It was crowded and painfully loud when I sat down. The loudness came from only one table, but they made more noise than the entire other side of the restaurant, where happy quiet parties and couples dines with serene calmness. I ordered dumplings and a cup of milk tea. While I enjoyed my lunch, three members of the wait-staff greeted me and asked how I was. I may be a customer of whom they are fond. This might have something to do with the fact that I am courteous, patient, and tip well. You see, I tip decently because I am appreciative, want to enjoy the place without stressing out the staff, and want the people who work there to be happy and remember me favourably when I go again. It's on my list of good places.
Also, because sofar I've always gotten my favourite table and prompt service.
When I went in I was in a black mood. When I left I was happy.
Dumplings have a beneficial effect.

[Also, I worked many years in the food service industry. So I know what a bunch of nasty blisters that people, especially out-of-towners who don't intend to ever come back, can be. And very often are.]

I can ignore a table having loud boisterous pleasure.
The cheerful ruckus added to the mood change.
As well as the excellent dumplings.

I had also taken the precaution of adding an extra layer under my shirt and sweater.
Two undergarments! Because it is beastly cold outside, and breezy too.
Frigid Spring weather we're having.
A friend lives out in the Richmond District near the ocean. When last we spoke he mentioned that it was darned well Arctic out where he is. I hope that the tourists go out to the beach in their colourful summery garb -- surely they've all seen Baywatch and expect California to be sun drenched and suited to slow motion running into the surf -- and disport themselves gaily out there. As tourists are wont to do. And as is expected of them. Speedos and sunscreen.

When I lit my pipe after leaving, I immediately sought out shelter from the wind. Excellent Virginia, a splendid briar, and frigid Norwegian weather. Two undershirts, a lumberjack overshirt, and a sweater. Plus a coat suitable for Autumn and winter.
Enjoy your trip to the beach, European visitors.
It's low fifties Fahrenheit.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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