Thursday, November 29, 2018


A friend who is involved in books is moving. He plans to have bookcases made for his digs. Which is an excellent idea. I have a suggestion.

The cats are extra. But they are self-duplicating, and if there are two (easy enough to attain), more will follow.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


The back of the hill said...

To the person who tried to comment: my deepest apologies, I accidentally deleted your contribution! Too quick on the trigger.


Anonymous said...

You have nothing to apologise for. An addiction to Clan will erode a man's judgment and promote anti-social behaviour. Seek professional help.

My comment on that delicious carton of a gentleman surrounded by cats and books was a cri de couer: why can't I have that? While I have thousands of books, my last cat died in September.


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