Friday, November 02, 2018


Someone who is a decent conversationalist albeit slightly loopy, has been banned for life from a nearby food and drink establishment. Apparently he said something about interracial couples to someone's cousin.
I have no idea what it was.

I have experience with such things.
Not much, but it's enough.

I was, for many years, involved in a relationship.

Example ONE:
Louisiana Tony asked me "how can you pollute yourself sleeping with something like that?"

Example TWO:
A random acquaintance: "People like you shouldn't breed."

I am reminded of Dave Chappelle's black Klansman, Clayton Bigsby.

Yes, there were many more instances than just those two I cited, including a Chinese American dude who said that if she and I had children at least they'd be reasonably good at math, though ugly, and the white men who asked me if she was obedient and quiet. But showing more of these would simply belabour the point that people can be remarkably stupid.

You already knew that, I would guess.

I should mention that I am not racially pure. There's a smidgeon of Native American in the mix, though not enough to notice, but a significant amount of Scots DNA, because Dutch Americans regrettably polluted themselves by sleeping with (and marrying) unpleasant other Calvinists, back in the day when people married only within their own religious community.

The Dutch knew about bathing aeons before the Scots!
There's your pollution, right there.

I sometimes do like bag pipe "music".
That's something I cannot help.
A genetic predisposition.
The bad seed.

But thank god I don't have red hair.



No kilts!

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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