Thursday, November 17, 2011


Wednesday a horde of unemployable morons marched through the downtown with revolutionary signs. This was the "Occupy CAL" contingent from Berkeley, who are peevish; previously some people across the Bay refused to listen to them, and that upset them no end. They insisted that we pay attention, and called us any number of names when we indicated we might have better things to do.

There were earnest entreaties that we intercourse ourselves.

Undoubtedly there were also a number of rational and reasonable people who sincerely want societal change in that mob, but the majority of marchers were spoiled brats with a sense of entitlement.


These young people are the scum of the earth. As are their A.N.S.W.E.R. handlers, and the opportunists who took advantage of their gullibility.

That is the only conclusion I can draw after getting into several arguments with belligerent young bloatards. If cutting funds for education was one of the things that they were protesting against, they've already lost the argument. Their behaviour proves that education failed them at least ten years ago, when most of them were in grammar school. Any further education would be wasted on them.
Marching through the Financial District picking fights with anyone who actually has a job may be "revolutionary", but what it inspires is NOT solidarity, but a deep desire to kick some of them in the balls.

Teargas, it turns out, is a blessing.

Here in downtown San Francisco we have NOT been blessed.

Our offense against the revolutionary storm troopers from Berkeley and Oakland is that we work in the Financial District. The vast majority of us are not members of the "one percent", just folks making a living. But that is enough to tar us.
In the clearly expressed world-view of the ninety nine percenters, worthwhile individuals do not hold down jobs, but doss down in squalid encampments with their revolutionary comrades, plotting the wholesale despoliation of banks, financial institutions, and anything that smacks of middle-class values.
Many of us have also bathed recently.
That, too, is a grievous sin, a black mark.

Given the behaviour I've seen today, I fervently hope that riot-squads all over the country start cracking skulls. There are ignorant savages out there who need naught more than a night stick in their spleens, teargas in their lungs, and good blast with a water cannon. Quite probably, several of them have parents who ARE part of the "one percent". They also deserve that.
Most of you suburbanite scum have produced thoroughly rotten children, who are of NO use to anybody.
The pampering they enjoyed during the Bush years has turned them into rude self-righteous pests.
But truth be told, that rot started years ago during Reagan, when you folks went to college.
The arrogance, and lack of manners, morals, and values of your children reflect upon you.
Their empty Red-Guardism is because you indulged your own shallownesses all your lives.


If you see any Berkeleyites in your neighborhood, call pest-control.

Do not take your baseball bat to the little poltroons.

That's what the health department is for.

Only shoot if threatened.

Damn' hippies.


There were also several practical suggestions involving incendiary devices and fire-arms. As well as machetes.

While I will not encourage violence against the marchers - many of whom were obviously no more than patsies for the filth that infests Oakland and Berkeley, as well as artistic types from our own Mission District and the Valencia Street corridor (Avalos' territory), I will say that his zany suggestion to fire-bomb the encampement down at Justin Herman has a totally insane appeal.
The fantasy of burning down the foul tents and their filthy drug-crazed denizens, along with the Marxists and Che Guevara fanclub, resonates.
Massive and final cleansing of ambulant garbage.
More than I can comfortably admit.
But please don't.

As a die-hard liberal, I am uncomfortable with the concept.

I keep telling myself that violence is not the answer.
But I am not quite so convinced of that now.
I work here. And I resent those folks.

Please shut down Shattuck.
Riot in Berkeley.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. What's wrong with Nihilism? I myself am a nihilist, as it is closer to the truth than any other philosophical position.

2. Too bad your correspondent was inconvenienced and had to make a detour on his way to lunch.

3. The idea that unemployed people are that way because they are unemployable is something I would expect to hear from an ignorant wingnut apologist for the corporate overlords, not from someone who considers himself a "die-hard liberal."

I'm not sure the Occupy Wall Street folks have hit on the most effective tactics, but they have started to change the discourse a little, and you hear a little more about the inequities in wealth than you used to. I think that makes up for the fact that their style and grooming is not up to the standards set by pompous bourgeois arbiters of taste. So good for the Occupy Wall Street folks. I support their cause, even if it means I might have to go around the block and find another place for lunch.

-Conservative Apikoris

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