Monday, August 22, 2011


Like everybody else, I turned to the internet news today to follow the developing story in Libya.
And, precisely like everybody else, I promptly clicked on the article about the penis amputee who is suing the doctor and hospital that removed his member.
Turns out the darned thing was a cancerous growth.

As, I’m sure, women suspected about most of those things anyway.

One of my male relatives many years ago described the masculine and feminine organs of reproduction as a horrid mutation and a botched surgery respectively. No, he wasn’t a doctor, boruch Hashem.
Personally I could not disagree more. While I refuse to offer any thoughts about the male member even though I possess one, I have always found the female equipment to be aesthetically very pleasing.
Possibly because I am biased in its favour.


Not only quite attractive in its own wicked way, the feminine genital region is also a remarkable lesson in geometry and dimension, as almost any right-minded school boy will readily admit. It has balance. Nay, it has pizzazz! Ergonomics!
And that, you see, is why so many men are attracted to it.
It’s that cunning perfection, those aesthetically pleasing proportions.
It speaks to us.
Inherently, we are artists.
As almost any man will tell you.

That, by itself, should indicate why men and women are seldom on the same page.
We stand in awe of her beauty, she can only think in terms of stuffing something repulsive in the disposal.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And in news of the day

NASHVILLE, Tenn (Reuters) - A spill of frozen bull semen bound for a breeder in the state of Texas triggered a scare on Tuesday that temporarily shut down a U.S. interstate highway during the morning rush hour.

Felt you should know.

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