Tuesday, August 16, 2011


It was only a matter of time before it cropped up in the English-language news.
For a few days I've seen it mentioned on Chinese web sites, couched in vague terms - along with photos that have faces blacked out or pixilated to protect the guilty couple.
One had to wonder why - they seemed so proud of what they were doing.

"Cathay Pacific will delay a marketing campaign, after photographs of crew members allegedly engaging in a sexual act were published."

[Cathay Pacific scandal delays international ad campaign]

Last week, the Hong Kong-based carrier announced that two crew members photographed in "compromising situations" were no longer working for the company.

A number of photographs were recently published online and in Chinese-language newspapers.


There is a realistic fear that the marketing campaign might misfire: "meet the team who go the extra mile to make you feel special".
Under present circumstances that tag-line could be misinterpreted.
Even those of us who will not be flying on 國泰航空公司 anytime soon have dirty minds - I speak only for you, because I myself am remarkably high minded - and will scrunch-up our faces if asked to contemplate the possible meaning of that phrase.

"Meet the team who go the extra mile to make you feel special"

I'm always baffled by people who take photographs of their own sexual acts, and then share them with close friends and family members. Surely they must know that once they've so generously spread the images around they have relinquished control.
What strange pride drives such behaviour?

"Look, mom, no hands!"

If one is doing something zesty with another person, perhaps it should be kept somewhat private.
Discreet sex? Good!
Public naughty? Bad!
Dubious pictures? Stupid!
This all seems so logical and easy to understand.

Mind you, it's not that I don't LIKE lascivious images. Like like like!
But there is an immense gap between liking something, and thinking of it as a personal expression of style suitable for emulation.
Delicious (or otherwise) erotic photos are far better left to the experts.
There are good reasons we we're often told "these people are professionals, don't try this at home".

For one thing the lighting is probably better.

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