Thursday, October 07, 2010


Remember last January when I waxed spiteful about pretentious bourgeois-leite and their hypocritical damn'-near racist venom directed at the Japanese?

Frankly, I think that whaling in this day and age is misguided, to say the least. It would probably be best if it ceased entirely.

But I take exception to a bunch of know-it-all middle-class white folks imposing their view on the rest of the world through bully-boy tactics, and furthermore doing it in ways which are calculated to insult, demean, and infuriate other cultures.

End quote.

[Original post: ]

Again, I clarify that I am not in favour of whaling. But even less, by a very wide margin, am I inclined favourably toward dipwads from Hobbit-Land (and one Kaaskop) who are just about rancid with their own self-righteousness.

Five criminals from New Zealand and one Dutchman ..... "]

Turns out the New-Zealanders gave what they got coming to them themselves.

An estranged former member of direct action anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd alleges it ordered its own boat to be scuttled to win public sympathy.

Peter Bethune was captain of the hi-tech Ady Gil when its bow was shorn off in a collision with a Japanese whaler it was shadowing in January.

It sank two days later, but Mr Bethune now alleges he was ordered to scuttle it by Sea Shepherd head Paul Watson.

READ MORE HERE: Sea Shepherd 'sank its own anti-whaling boat'

What we're really talking about here is a bunch of self-important damn spoiled middle-class pretendeurs in an expensive toy, bought for them by a rich meddlesome Californian sugar-daddy. They're lucky they didn't drown.

"Mr Watson now reportedly says Mr Bethune was expelled from Sea Shepherd in October after it discovered the New Zealander had given false information to Japanese authorities about Mr Watson in exchange for leniency."[SOURCE: ]

The maritime adventurism that they engage in is completely illegal. The posse mentality, which drives them to act as judge, jury, and executioner entirely on their own authority, is exactly equivalent to a lynch mob, an Al Qaeda cell, or the U.S. administration that got us involved in the Iraq war.
That they are allegedly liberal humanists does not justify their taking unilateral action and committing illegal acts.

The Sea Shepherd organization is on extremely thin ice, whereas the Japanese 'research' vessels are legally in the right. Even in Australia and New Zealand.

And let's not forget that neither Australia nor New Zealand are stellar examples of civilization. They should be no means think themselves entitled to tell the rest of us what to do. It is absurd.

NOTE: If you wish, you may contact me directly:

All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Nippomatic said...

According to a United States judge, the Sea Shepherd assholes are pirates, period.

"A court in the US has labelled conservationist group Sea Shepherd "pirates".

Judge Alex Kozinski said the group's "aggressive and high-profile attacks" on Japan's whaling fleet endangered lives, ordering them to stop.

US-based Sea Shepherd has for many years chased the Japanese whalers, attempting to disrupt the annual hunt.

The two sides have frequently clashed at sea, blaming each other for collisions and damage.

Three Sea Shepherd ships have been involved a stand-off and clashes with the whaling fleet in the icy waters of the Southern Ocean for several weeks.

They have been trying to prevent the Japanese ships from refuelling from a tanker ship, the Sun Laurel. Both parties released video footage this week which they said showed the other deliberately ramming their ships.

Continue reading the main story

Start Quote
Japan is an island nation surrounded by the sea, so taking some good protein from the ocean is very important”
End Quote
Yoshimasa Hayashi

Japanese fisheries minister

Sea Shepherd has also accused the whalers of using water cannon and stun grenades against them, and says Japan has deployed a military icebreaker, the Shirase, to intimidate them - something Japan rejects.

'Embodiment of piracy'

The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals issued an injunction last year banning Sea Shepherd from going within 500m of Japan's ships.

Its ruling on Monday clears the way for Japan, which calls the activists terrorists, to launch more extensive legal action against them.

Judge Kozinski overturned an earlier district court ruling which had sided with the activists.

"When you ram ships, hurl glass containers of acid, drag metal-reinforced ropes in the water to damage propellers and rudders, launch smoke bombs and flares with hooks; and point high-powered lasers at other ships, you are, without a doubt, a pirate," he said.

"The activities that Cetacean [the Japanese whalers] alleges Sea Shepherd has engaged in are clear instances of violent acts for private ends, the very embodiment of piracy."

Japan says the Sea Shepherd ships are endangering lives at sea (Image by ICR)
He added that the illegality of whaling in Australian waters did not excuse Sea Shepherd's activities.

"It is for Australia, not Sea Shepherd, to police Australia's court orders."

Sea Shepherd argues that the US court has no jurisdiction over foreign-flagged vessels sailing in Australian waters with an international crew.

There has been an international ban on commercial whaling for 25 years, but Japan sends its fleet to the Antarctic in the autumn or winter each year, returning the following spring, with the aim of catching hundreds of whales.

Tokyo says the hunt is part of a scientific research programme and that it is obliged by the whaling treaty to sell meat by-products. But critics say the hunt is commercial whaling in another guise and has no scientific value.

Australia is also taking legal action against Japan over whaling.

But Japan's fisheries minister, Yoshimasa Hayashi, has said whaling is part of Japan's culture and that it will never give up hunting the animals.

"Japan is an island nation surrounded by the sea, so taking some good protein from the ocean is very important. For food security I think it's very important," he told AFP.

"So why don't we at least agree to disagree? We have this culture and you don't have that culture... so I just would like to say 'please understand this is our culture'."


Got that? It's a legal decision and a legal definition. So all of you raggedy unwashed Aussie bhainchote do-gooders kindly shut the fuck up and crawl back to your outback shitholes.
Thank you.

The back of the hill said...

This blogger seconds the sentiments of Nippomatic, and adds that it also applies to the idiot Dutch and New Zealand activists, as well as the santimonious twat Yanks involved in piracy in frigid waters.
Further, Paul Watson should be arrested as an international terrorist in my opinion, based on his financial and organizational support for the illegal and dangerous acts that he has enabled.

I would also advocate that the Dutch activists are taken to court over this at the Hague.

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