Friday, October 01, 2010


Savage Kitten asked me the other day why I had named her ‘Savage Kitten’. I waffled a bit, mumbling something about independent minded, small, and claws.

I actually came up with the nickname because she is ferocious yet vulnerable.


Whenever I attended demonstrations where our side was outnumbered, it worried her. She knows how vicious pro-Palestinian activists can be, and has witnessed their bully-boy tactics first-hand.

[She attended San Francisco State University, which rivals UC Berkeley as the most mean-spirited anti-Semitic and liberal campus on the West Coast. She’s seen the Arab-American Jugend in action.]

After making the mistake years ago of telling her about the behaviour displayed in front of the consulate, I learned not to mention it again – I did not want to be in the position of having to bail her out of jail. She demanded that I bring her along the next time so she could protect me, and she could have done a damn fine job of it. She's fierce enough.
Yes, the average West-Coast pro-Palestinian is a bulky young chap of thuggish tendencies with major psychological problems. And she’s only 105 LBS.
But the average West-Coast pro-Palestinian is also a bully (meaning: coward), and does not have sound judgment or common sense, who might think that a small Asian woman would be an easy victim.
He’s both a racist and a sexist, and very much an opportunist with no morals.

She’s done nearly twenty years of Martial Arts. Has several gold and silver medals.
And some unresolved anger issues. Doesn't like chauvinists or swine.

She’s fighting fit.

She would rip his chickenshit guts out and feed them to him.

I know she could do it. But seeing as she might then turn her fury on the soft middle-aged Berkeleyites who are enablers and wetnurses for the Arab-American rowdies, it could become very ugly.
I am a peaceful man, I prefer that these riots not turn into mayhem.
It isn’t that I would particularly mind bailing her out of jail. It’s that I wouldn’t want her to be exposed to any blood from those people.
Nor would I want her bruised from pounding their stupid heads in. Or upset.

You see, she’s vulnerable.

And that's just one more reason I want her to remain my roommate, even though we are no longer a couple. I'll know that she's not in jail, and I won't have to bail her out.
Cantonese-American girls can be SO violent.
And this city is filled with stupid people.

Besides, I just feel safer with her around.

NOTE: If you wish, you may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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