Thursday, August 06, 2009


I am high as a kite. Weeeee! It's the sugar. Like any five year old, once you feed me sugar, I will run around in circles screaming at the top of my lungs. Arms outstretched. I am an aeroplane!

We had an ice-cream social at work yesterday. There is still tons of ice-cream left. We have been ordered to eat it. All of it.
And the remaining toppings.

Most of us are fairly young, and can metabolize this stuff pretty well. Some of us, however, are ... older. Please imagine what an excess of sugar does to our fragile bio-rhythms. Sugar. Caffeine. Theobromine. There was also vanilla, but to the best of my knowledge, it doesn't have any psycho effects. It just makes the stuff go down better. I don't know what happened to the chocolate chips and almond flakes - I assume that those disappeared into the engineering department as geek-kibble - but I just had a BIG bowl of chocolate ice-cream with a cup of coffee.
Five scoops.

The coffee, of course, is to keep me buzzing after the sugar burns off. Which will be in about half an hour. I just can't sustain the prolonged energy level that cholesterol whipped with cane sugar used to give me. Hence the caffeine. Which will contribute nicely to the fast-approaching sucrose hangover.
MY PLANS FOR TODAY: Chocolate and caffeine fuelled sugar burn-out till dinner.

Which may be more chocolate ice-cream.

Did I mention that I cannot resist chocolate? And that there is still a humongous bucket of it left?

This is gonna be one hell of a week.

Maybe I should just cover myself with whipped cream and hibernate.
Lick me up when it's over.

1 comment:

Tzipporah said...

LOl - we had a lovely chocolate cake delivered yesterday from a new business partner, and let's just say - we were a lot less productive yesterday afternoon than usual.

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