Friday, May 09, 2008


No, this isn't about the Nakba Jews who acted so disgracefully yesterday at the JCC. Or about the kapos who have embraced AlAwda and MECA. Or even JVP.

[This is NOT about Barbara Lubin (MECA), Perry Bellow-Handelman (currently at the PJA), Eric Romann, Libby Goldberg, Kinneret Israel (Midrasha teacher), Sarah Kershnar, Josie Shields-Stromsness (MECA), Kate Raphael (activist deported from Israel in 2005). They too are worth writing about, being the very embodiment of slime and repulsiveness..... in a stumbling and emotionally stunted sort of way. Collectively they are like a joke without a punchline, funny yet sad and schadenfreudic. Pathetic and juvenile. But we'll save them for a later post.]

Today I wish to draw your attention to Morris Talansky, the man involved with Prime Minister Olmert in what has every appearance of an influence peddling and bribery scandal.

Morris Talansky is a 75 year old rabbi and businessman who has funnelled money not only to Olmert, but also to Rudy Giuliani, President Bush, Senator Kennedy, President Clinton.....

[Campaign funding, of course. I would not wish to in any way suggest that politicians are corrupt, or even rapacious whores who will blow just about any sailor for candy and small change. Good heavens no.]

Morris Talansky appears to be an equal opportunity financier with perhaps an unhealthy interest in politicians. One who has been involved in law-suits whose practices and embroglios are sometimes .... "questionable".

And someone who has no qualms about selling high-resolution satelite imagery to Hugo Chavez.

For an excellent understanding of Talansky, visit Jameel's blog. Particularly this guestpost by Lurker: and this post by Jameel .

Reading those two posts will make clear why this latest scandal is more than a little disturbing, and why valid questions about the motives and morals, ethics and influence of both men must be raised.

It is getting harder to tell who Israel's enemies and who Israel's friends are. Sometimes there is an uncomfortable overlap.
Rectitude has become a forgotten concept.

Israel deserves much better than this.


Dusty said...

Is it about Kapos Brian and Harris and Lacey and Amy ( Or Ari or whatever s/he is going by now)?
Is it about Quislings Barbara and Stephen and Jaron?

No...its not about that group- the same haters we've been dealing with forever- the same haters from MECA and the ISM and QUIT...

That group is more about pathology and psychology than politics. Every last one of them.

I'm sorry Ruth...I didn't forget about you. How could I?

Heh, BOTH- do ya think they knew we were on to them?


Anonymous said...

You forgot about Micah.
Tsk. Tsk.

Anonymous said...

A high percent of the people arrested at the Jewish Community Center were transgender.
Its bizarre- it seems that "anti-Zionist " transgendered Jews (Jaron, Ari Lev , Micah... did we miss anyone- I think we did....) are truly self hating in every sense of the word- they have rejected the essential core of their being in every way possible.
Yep- this is more about abnormal psychology than it is about politics.
Maybe this is just about rejecting their parents' values and denying their traditionally defined identity.
If you include all the queer participants, it becomes the majority of people arrested. This is not a mainstream group.

And it hurts my brain to think about them, so I think i'll stop.

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