Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Which, of course, is why the pro-Palestinian Woman In Black in this youtube video does not eat them.

....Animals have mothers, plants do not have mothers. Plants are the highest form of life, eat animals but not plants. And tofu is racist .....

That seems to be her position as regards food - her position regarding Israel and the Palestinians is equally kopverdekont gedraaid.

Veat also gets mentioned - it's a chicken alternative for vegetarians. I keep neither kashrus nor vegetariyus....... but maybe I'll try it. Perhaps while affectionately petting my rhubarb or a bushel of legumes.
Or gluten. Gluten is also of vegetable origin, and probably very furry and affectionate.

This was one of the more interesting conversations with a pro-Palestinian we've had. Which is why I spent nearly an entire hour smiling.


Take a moment to check out some of the other youtube videos from bluetruth36. Especially Dick Becker of International ANSWER advocating fighter jets for Hamas ( It's a classic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"affectionately petting my rhubarb"

Can I watch?

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