Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Rabbosai, let's do the math.

Jews, worldwide: 15 million (approx one fifth of a percent).
Jews in the US: 7 million (approx two and a third percent).

Statistically it is rather unlikely that jews are a significant factor or
exercise any influence....


Dutch, US (per world almanac): 20+ million (if you add 'Flemish',
probably nearly 30 million).
Dutch, Netherlands: 16 million.
Dutch, Belgium (Flemish): 5 million.
Dutch, South Africa: 2.5 million.
Dutch, Israel: at least 20 thousand.
Dutch, rest of world: probably around 5 million (best guess).

It's clear, isn't it?
We Dutch control the known universe.
The V.O.C. still rules.

Oops. I let the cat out of the bag.
Please forget I ever said anything.

Met uiterst "vriendelijke" groeten,

SF, CA, USA, Dutch Secret Empire.

PS. I: Better put some tinfoil in your crash helmets - we monitor brainwaves!
PS. II: All your base are belong to us!
PS. III: We be watching you!


Not to be too snide about it, but big-tobacco and the beer companies probably have more influence than any ethnic group.

A better argument can be made that weapons and oil influence our foreign policy more than our alleged pro-Israel agenda and the Anglo-Saxon/Atlantic alliance.

Given the share that the Dutch have in the US, having been number one foreign investor for several years, and being among the top five for over sixty years, isn't it just more "-"logical"-" to believe that if anyone controls the US, it's the heirs to the VOC?
Back in the colonial age, first the Spanish, and then the British and the French, were convinced that nothing happened without, somehow, those horrid Dutch having a hand in it - the V.O.C. is the original evil foreign conspiracy that must be blamed for everything.
As a Dutch-American, that still gives me a warm feeling.
I'm all toasty right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I beg to differ....

Heineken is awful against Czech beer and the French make better cheese.

Gazelle bicycles have become an expensive anachronism

though clearly there are rather DAF drivers abroad

only a top-fokker would agree with you!



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