Thursday, February 07, 2008


Starting to notice an interesting sameness to the BBC coverage of events in Israel and Hamas-stan.

Dead Israeli - One mention, one article only, published after a delay which can sometimes be two or three days. It was to be expected, because the Israelis hit Gaza. Short, casual, vague.

Dead Arab - More than one mention, in more than one article. He she it always has relatives who are heartbroken. This is a loss, and the Israelis are vengeful. As will be suggested by details.

This is not a surprising pattern. The anti-Semitic element pro-Palestinian activists always overplay the tragedy of Palestinian deaths too. Like many news-sources, they act as if a dead Israeli is only to be expected, and too rare by far.

The BBC is by no means the worst offender - they probably strive for a minimum of plausible deniability - but it's not easy to pick the winner. Various socialist rags in Europe are strong contenders, along with several middle-of-the-road publications, such as the Algemeen Dagblad in the Netherlands (more so than the NRC), and almost all of Fleet Street (when they're not showing us the titties of some trollop in Bollockshire).
Outrage over dead Pallies drives up advertising revenue. Dead Jews are just boring.

1 comment:

Phillip Minden said...

"Israeli military blablabla tanks blabla Gaza blabla soldier [font gets smaller] lost his life [hardly readable size] while guarding old-age home in Tel-Aviv."


"Israelis kill Arab man, activist [font gets smaller] armed [hardly readable] wildly shooting around in that kindergarten [font gets larger again] eye witnesses talk about 14 other victims."

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