Friday, June 29, 2007


On Wednesday evening I posted something about a grumpy old toad......

On Thursday morning Dovbear’s wife told him that she was a very efficient person (see here:, despite having accomplished only six things before nine-thirty, to his twelve.
[Her six and his twelve are listed in his posting, by the way – you really ought to read it before going any further.]

Midianite Manna ( reacted by listing out everything she had accomplished before 9:30 (see here:, and told her husband Bad Cohen (blog here: to refute her on his own darn blog.
[As of this writing, he has not done so. I think he simply rolled over and went back to sleep.]
She did fourteen (14) things before nine-thirty.
[Bad Cohen did only seven things, in case you were wondering.]

Woodrow, who as yet has no signifother (but imirtzeshem soon), listed a dozen things in the comments to DB’s post (here:

But I have them all beat.

My eyshes chayil did more than any of them. Neener neener neener, so there!

What Savage Kitten did before nine o'clock:

1. Got up.
2. Brushed teeth.
3. Made coffee.
4. Dressed.
5. Brought hot coffee over to sleeping person.
6. Put tea-leaves and hot-water into a lidded cup for sleeping person to gulp down on his way out later.
[I forgot to mention this yesterday - I always have some more caffeine before I leave in the morning.]
7. Went out and got newspaper.
8. Came back singing.
9. Dumped newspaper on top of sleeping person.
10. Made herself a BIG breakfast and a glass of very weak milk tea.
11. Sat on bed of person now no longer able to sleep, eating her BIG breakfast with her glass of very weak milk tea, and chattering (I have no clue what she said).
12. Went into kitchen to wash her dishes.
13. Took a bath.
14. Hollered at sleeping person to get up!
[At least, I think she did. She often does. I actually have no clue what she said, and the whole exercise is pointless, as by that time I'm awake already.]
15. Dressed again.
16. Prepared herself a snack for work.
17. Swept some shmootz off the kitchen floor.
18. Poked person now trying to get back to sleep with the broom.
19. Did half an hour of Taichi in the other room.
20. Said something cheerfull about a nice day on her way out - I was smoking, and not paying attention, so I have no clue what she said.

In the interests of full disclosure, and because you will probably ask me about it, I list below what I did before nine o'clock.

1. Woke up.
2. Drank coffee which Savage Kitten brought me.
3. Read news, editorials, funnies, in the newspaper that Savage Kitten brought me.
4. Went in to bathroom.
5. Smoked.
[I reached the acme of efficiency by multi-tasking in the bathroom.]

But anyhow, what I did is not the point.

The point is that this is a meme - Tzipporah said so, and others have already treated it as such. Minhag often has the authority of law.

List what you and your significant other did before a certain time in the morning on your own blog. Then tag a random number of people, based on your curiosity about them.
I tag Steg (, Lipman (, Jameel (, TafkaPP (, and Charismatic Megafauna (


Note: I would also tag Ed and Chaim G. (aka 'The Knuckle Dragging Barbarian'), except that they do not have blogs, and Chaim asserts that a sense of modesty prevents him from listing what the other gender of the household does.

Ed has however already given his list in the comments over at Dovbear's blogpost.

What Ed did before 9:30:

1) Said Modeh Ani
2) Washed Negel Vasser by the bed.
3) Got up B'zrizus La'avodas Haborei.
4) After using the facilities, said Asher Yotzar with Kavana.
5) Got dressed according to Halacha - Right shoe first etc.
6) Tip-toed out in order not to wake anyone up
7) Put on black hat and Jacket
8) Kissed the Mezuza on the way out
9) Held open the door to shul for another person
10) Davened with Kavana
11) Had special Kavana that the Pega Ra (the online one) shouldn't bother him.

[In case you were wondering who Ed was trying to not wake up on his way out, it was his wife, a baby, and a two-year old who is scared of rain. We asked.]

I suspect that Chaim G. (KDB) has a list that in remarkable ways is similar to Ed's list. But the differences are probably surprising. Hence some semi-seemly curiosity. Chaim, please feel free to list what you did on a randomly chosen morning in the comments (and if you do, it will be featured as the major part of a follow-up meme-posting).

Further note: I would also tag MarGavriel aka 'Not The Tefillin Hedgehog' aka 'Homeless Hareidi Guy' aka "Rav Antic", but he seldom writes anything anymore, and seems to be hiding from the bloggolam. If you should see him anywhere near Kikar Safra, give him our regards.


swag said...

Here's a meme:

Memes are for idiots.

That is all

Anonymous said...

Re: Charismatic Megafauna is asleep on my sofabed. It is 10:38. She has done nothing but sleep before 9:00 am.

Short list.


She has rolled over once or twice, though.

Perhaps weekend behavior is different from weekday behavior.
Perhaps teenage behavior is different from "normal" behavior.

Nonetheless, I wouldn't count on her responding to the meme with anything other than cat pictures.....

I can only speculate.

Tzipporah said...

LOL - I love it that nobody has yet contested my claim that this is a meme, which was purely ironic at the time. OTOH, I'm very much enjoying reading everyone's lists.

Miriam said...

Back of the Hill,

You are funny!

charismatic megafauna said...

I must defend myself! It was a Sunday on my mini-vacation. Don't listen to Tia aka repellant microfauna.

I guess I'll have to post.

Spiros said...

In case anyone is keeping track, this is what I do before 9:00 in the morning:
I refuse to get up before 9:00 in the morning.

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