Sunday, August 21, 2022


One of my favourite movie quotes is "wir können hier nicht anhalten, das is fledermaus land". During tourist season it's always begging to be let out. It would make the Amerikanisches abenteuer of European tourists at the Bridge a little more surreal. Quite possibly the three plump-thighed damsels waiting at the last bus stop in Marin had already come to that exact conclusion. Or something similar. Don't wear shorts in the fog zone, ladies, it's cold here.

The northern approaches were probably fog-bound all day. As were other parts of Southern Marin. Autumnal. Which means that elsewhere it must have been insufferably hot.

Ideally, after being out all day when the weather is like this, one would come home to a nice hearty dinner. Yorkshire pud, spare ribs in black bean sauce, guleh ayam, and baby potatoes roasted with garlic and dill. With some nice sambal, and perhaps a soup.
Followed by a big wedge of cheesecake.

Which, given that I have to go in for another blood-draw tomorrow, is out of the question entirely. Apparently I failed a recent test, which was probably my own fault, as I dutifully fasted a full twelve hours before, abstained from any nutrition or caffeine, and stumbled in with growling stomach (exaggeration, as I don't get hungry till early afternoon). But, out of automatic habit, I had popped my vitamin pills that morning.

Tomorrow's blood will be to test my vitamin B levels. Folic acid (B12) was a bit off.

I'm looking forward to it while NOT looking forward to it. No coffee. No dinner tonight. Thank goodness they didn't say anything about smoking. Because a man NEEDS his dose of red Virginia with a touch of Perique when staring out over the bleak and forbidding wastelands where somewhere in the fog wild Euries wearing short shorts because after all it's "sunny" California take potshots at one, knowing that without a fortifying first cup of coffee and the vitamins that give one super survival skills one is slow and not particularly alert or on one's guard. With red red eyes I shall stagger into the lab at an ungodly hour (they open at 7:30) to subject my deprived caffeine and vitamin pill free arm to a needle. I shall fight off the hordes of European explorers who are keen to scalp a native.

Darn improperly garbed trophy hunting expedition.

I know there is coffee within less than a block from the lab. And an outdoors place to sit down. With a pipe.

There MUST be a hotdog stand or burger place not too far from Chinese Hospital. A man might need some sustenance afterwards. Something simple and unhealthy that benefits from globs of hot sauce.

Why do the tourists look like smiling hyenas?

I will bubble over with warmth and kindness.

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