Tuesday, August 16, 2022


The best way to childproof your home is to have a manned machine gun emplacement with sandbags at the front door and barbed wire around the perimeter. And to burn sage. Chanting also works.
This information is the result of heading into Facebook after coffee and a pipe.

The following are also Facebookian:

"Hello, this Alex on a recorded line ... " followed by the usual recorded hooha. I've just been rude to a non-existent person.

Based on a foodmap I saw recently, I now know what to feed a Republican: Steak well done, a veggie burger as a side, tuna salad with cottage cream (appetizer?), and everything with lots of cilantro. I'll call it the Florida platter.

A friend said that "First Reformed was really boring". Which, naturally brings up the following data: Second Christian Reformed is actually a term for a split-off from the Fourth Christian Reformed church (Pella), which itself is a split-off variant of Dutch Reformed.
Second Christian Reformed should not be confused with Third Christian Reformed or First Christian Reformed, even though most Christian Reformed Churches adhere to the same source documents: The Apostle's Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dort.

As one deviates further from one's younger vibrant teenage self, the effect of caffeine is more pronounced as regards the cerebral cortex in the morning, while the delicious beverage serves additionally to 're-hydrate' the system because one abstained largely from liquids in the hours before bed last night. So as not to be ripped untimely from the sweet sweet arms of sleep by one's bladder. This affects how the mind works for the first few hours of the day.
One can safely say that the combination of caffeine and nicotine is psychotropic. Arguably even therapeutic, even though the medical profession with quite some justification opines that nicotine is dubious. I asked my previous personal care physician about coffee, and he said to go right ahead, because it has antioxidants. It's good for you. To me, caffeine, like a healthy walk around the neighborhood, is logically paired with a pipe of tobacco.
And both of them contribute to a calm, well-balanced, sane individual.

Sadly, for some people this doesn't work. For a few days out of every month. Caffeine and the menstrual period are not a good combination, generally speaking. Be gentle with them during that time. Normal life will eventually resume.

I am an expert in these matters.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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