Monday, November 15, 2021


This pipe (Kriswill, Liverpool shape, handmade in Denmark) is probably the perfect companion for reading 'San-ch'ü: Its Technique and Imagery' by Wayne Schlepp.
The current tobacco is Cornell & Diehl's House Reserve 2021, purchased recently. Consisting of both stoved and unstoved red and bright Virginias pressed and sliced. It sounded right up my alley, and I was curious. It's a pleasant mild flake, not heavily pressed. Smokes well, quite enjoyable, and it will probably age very nicely. The tin aroma is herbal and fruity.
As you would naturally expect from a Virginia flake.

I'll probably buy a few more tins.

Around tea-time I headed over to a bakery to which I have been going for many years. They've finally removed the boards in front of the windows that were there since early in the pandemic, and seem to be operating their regular hours again. Late afternoon business is still sparse, but earlier in the day the hubbub of elderly customers noshing on delicious pastries is steady.
Little children love their paper-wrapped cupcakes (紙包蛋糕 'ji bau daan gou').

San-ch'ü (散曲 'saan kuk'; "literary song") is a poetry category based very largely on popular melodies, which was particularly prominent in the long period between the end of the Song dynasty (宋朝 'sung chiu'; 960 to 1279 common era) up till the beginning of modern times.
The poems were more vernacular than classicly literary, but nevertheless were distinctly products of the literary or literati milieu.


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