Thursday, April 01, 2021


Left the house shortly after eight o'clock this morning, fully washed and dressed and filled with caffeine. When I got down to the front of SFCH it turned out better than I expected; only three other people ahead of me. We all knew they'd open at nine. Spent the time waiting engaging in conversation in three languages (well, two and fragments). By the time the first ten of us went in, the line was all the way down the alley, from Jackson to Washington.

The jab was quick, efficient, and painless. The elderly Toishanese fellow nearest me turned out to be deaf as a post, and needed to be yelled at, repeatedly. Which meant that everyone in the building probably knew to 去外便坐,十五分鐘 ('heui ngoi-pin joh, sap ng fan jung').

I didn't need to be told, I'd heard. 15 minutes.

Yeah, didn't wait that long.

Loaded up my pipe in the lobby, judged that there would be no ill effects, and split for the outside and freedom.
Alas, they were out of my favourite candies at the grocery store I go to most often, and I don't know what those things are called in Chinese, because it's a Japanese product. Bought necessary groceries there, plus some products I hadn't seen before.


Dim sum for my downstairs neighbor lady, a snackipoo for myself and the stuffed turkey vulture (in lieu of the corpse he wishes me to get for him, one with fatty inner thighs), and vegetables.
Plus a treat for my apartment mate.

Normally I do not get up at five in the morning. My apartment mate was very tolerant of it. She can get up at all ungodly hours and be full of beans from the get-go. I, however, need coffee, a pipefull, and at least forty minutes of grumbling, stumbling, and making snorting and spitting sounds, before I'm fully human. I don't know how she does it.

Does the five G and the nanochip kick in same day, or do I have to wait until after the second shot? And is the mark of the beast visible to civilians or only individuals of the cloth? Will I be able to read thoughts? Teleport? Finally communicate with idiots?

A friend in New York felt like crap for the second to the fourth third day, but I think that was after the second shot. A friend in Georgia has been boasting about amazing superpowers for two whole weeks now.

Key factoid lifted from the interwebs: One week to 69.5%(+-26% a lot) efficacy. Three weeks to Moderna dose number two. Five weeks to 94.1% efficacy.
[Efficacy is the chance you are fully protected. A second dose rolls the dice a second time, so you may be fully protected after one dose, you may be fully protected after two. You may also be partially protected and have a less bad case or be asymptomatic, or you may be not protected at all (if you are immunocompromised).]
Dang. No mention of psychic abilities.

The only side effect sofar is that the morning's coffee has worn off.
Need to fix myself another cup.


The development of psychic powers is taking longer than I expected. But I can already read (my own) thoughts.


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