Sunday, April 25, 2021


Like the Trump government, the ruling party of India did not, does not, believe in divisionary language or spreading news which might cause unrest. The situation is under control, everything is going according to plan, there is no cause for alarm.
Please remain calm.

Courtesy - penpencildraw

Obviously any problems are just Democrat / Opposition rumourmongering and defeatism.
Why, there ought to be a law against that! Masks and lockdowns will ruin the economy!

Don't pack yourself on the back quite as yet. Complacency in the United States, coupled with good old Anglo Saxon stupidity and ignorance, may bring us to the same state of affairs in our own country as is in India. Because of work, I have to associate with a woman who despite being eligible has not gotten a single shot yet (she can't explain why not other than "scared to"), and a seventy five year old man who is convinced that there is a crab-shaped nano-chip in the vaccine (which inexplicably does not shred the veins or cause serious blockages, does not wreak havoc on the organs, or get excreted via the kidneys and urination.

These are all miraculous things. They're devious, those globalists.

People are drumbeating for an end to mask requirements.

And ignoring protocols whenever possible.

Blatantly taking risks.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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