Monday, April 26, 2021


If you came here expecting news about the Oscars, you will be disappointed; that's what the local news rag (SFGate) is for. I didn't know the Oscars were yesterday evening till roughly lunch o'clock, by which time I was preoccupied with the possibility that a certain blend of tobacco might make another person grumpy. It did me when I smoked a bowl of it two years ago. I was an irritable grouch and snapped at people that entire day.

Too much Nicotine. You will undoubtedly be happy to know that I haven't smoked it since. Because you are used to me being a sunny individual with a cheerful and loving disposition.

Naturally I don't do anything to excess. Rumours that I spend the entire day wired to the eyebrows on coffee and tea, as well as the report that I put sambal (Sriratcha chilisauce) on nearly everthing, are vile hearsay and speculation.
As is the anecdote about socializing with space aliens.

I have reason to believe that my apartment mate spent all day binge-watching Perry Mason, only getting up to consort with the turkey vulture and prepare some noodle soup. She was a limp vegetable sitting at the computer table when I returned from herding rabid dogs in Marin, and I got to hear all about some story-premise that sounded convoluted and seedy.
We have different schedules. I'm off today (Monday) and my weekends are on the civilian days of the week, her work schedule is like that of a normal person. I'll be down at Chinese Hospital three times this week. Picking up refills at the pharmacy, regularly scheduled doctor's appointment, the second vaccine shot.

I'm looking forward to all of this.
Healthy mind, healthy body.
Followed by snacks.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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