Sunday, April 11, 2021


One of my friends in a distant part of the world is planning to alleviate his Ramadan fasting with a dozen bottles of expensive Scotch. Far be it from me to tell him that he might be missing the point of the exercise. Same goes for my Jewish friends who eat pork. I am an unbeliever from a Christian cultural background, and therefore not in a position to judgementalize how their unbelief for their side manifests itself. Or how they choose to celebrate it.

One of my friends describes himself as a skeptical and disbelieving Vegan. Has to have meat regularly to test his belief system. By his logic, we are all lapsed recovering chocoholics.
Though some of us are in deep denial about that.

He rejects my interpretation that there degrees of non-observance in play.
That, he feels, implies a commitment which he does not have.

He did not appreciate my advice to not overthink it.

There are people who are far further on the Autistic Spectrum Disorder spectrum than myself, but normally I will not notice that. Unless they explain things to me in detail, repeatedly, to make sure I understand what they're thinking. Then I start to see a pattern.

A circulating meme-type thing on Facebook asks "what's your advice to the person secretely crushing on you?"


Yeah, um. What's your evidence that that is actually a thing?

I am secretely a Japanese troll. I plant magic acorns.
It isn't any more complicated than that.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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