Wednesday, April 28, 2021


Family life in a remote area. The hinterland, a tennuous state on the frontier. Shanxi province, old north China. Where 晉語 is spoken. West of the mountains.
Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year
Overall Winner: Taste by Li Huaifeng, China.
The photograph was taken in Licheng, Shanxi, on a warm and sunny day, and shows a young family sharing in the joy of preparing food. Photograph: Li Huaifeng

[SOURCE: Food photographer of the year -- The Guardian.]

Two things are immediately noticeable in this photo: The Kang (炕 'hong'), which is a heated platform occupying one third of the room for sleeping and general living; and a large square tray of dumplings (jiao tze 餃子 'gaau ji'). A third detail which may strike you is the slanting silvery light of northern climes, made more evident by traces of smoke and dust in the air.

Note also that the dumpling skins are made by hand, and the mother is nearly done, as there is not that much filling left in the bowl. If there is no refrigeration (as seems likely) the dumplings will be shared with neighbors and kin living closeby.

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