Sunday, April 25, 2021


This where anti-Asian racism and cruelty to animals overlap. A kid in a park killed a woman's pet and seemed to gloat over it. The kids family members violently defend him, mobbing the pet owner. Slurs are used.

The boy grabbed the cat, abused it, half a dozen members of the kids family get angry and violent when the cat's owner intervenes, NYPD proves themselves useless.
Brute's Mom says "kids will be kids".

"This has nothing to do with Asian hate. I have friends that are Asian."

In a video, pet owner Chanan Aksornnan is being assaulted by multiple individuals believed to be the boy’s family members.

"You don't blame me, you're the one who was wrong. Why did you take a cat [for a] walk?" Pim quoted the boy's mother as saying, according to Newsweek. "This is what you [get] when you walk you f*****g cat b***h!"

"The incident is currently under investigation by the 94 Precinct Detective Squad," Captain Kathleen E. Fahey, Commanding Officer of the 94th Precinct, told Greenpointers. "Anyone who may have witnessed the incident is asked to call the 94 Precinct Detective Squad, if they have not already done so."

[Both excerpts from Thai Woman’s Cat Allegedly Killed by Family in Brooklyn]

A woman, believed to be the boy’s mother, responded by saying: "This is what you got when you walk your f****** cat, b****". Ms Askornnan and her boyfriend, in addition to two other pets, were then assaulted by the family. Video of the incident appears to confirm the assault.
"The family not only did not offer any apology nor remorse," she told online news outlet Greenpointers on Monday. "They immediately began a verbal abuse which escalated into a physical assault. I got punched and kicked by three women".

[Source: Instagram star cat Ponzu killed after owner ‘attacked’ in New York park]

As one social media commenter puts it:
1) kid assaults cat, causing it to have a heart attack and die;
2) kid's family beats up the owner of cat when owner of cat tries to save cat from kid;
3) cops blame owner of cat for being assaulted. Refuses to listen to victim and blames her despite witnesses and video. Threatened that if she presses charges, she will be charged.

Most telling line: "This has nothing to do with Asian hate. I have friends that are Asian."

Several friends urge me to visit New York, because it's a "wonderful place".

Violent psychos and shitty pizza?
I think I'll pass.

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