Friday, April 23, 2021


Some people should not have a computer or a cell phone. Not that they don't actually need to communicate at times, but because they are not fully plugged-in. There's a belief floating around that the Covid Vaccine (not specified which one) will affect a woman's period.
And that being near a vaccinated individual will do the same.

Or increase the chances of a miscarriage in the individuals who associate with vaxxed people.

"Unvaccinated women who were around those who recently got the COVID shot are reporting miscarriages and serious problems with their menstrual cycles"
End quote.

Being around vaccinated individuals will not change your menstrual cycle.
Or cause miscarriages.

Y'all nuts.

An internet commenter: "Actually we don't know the science of this, so who are we to say whether it will affect a woman's period or not or their fertility or not....
Let's be real, this vaccine which is not even a vaccine by the vaccine definition was rammed through, and we don't even know the long-term effects, the midterm effects, and the only thing it does is minimize the effects of the disease that you still can catch or give to someone else.

Most of what that internet commenter wrote is wrong, and damned close to gibberish.

He, and everyone around him, is affected by his synapses firing at random. Which may be caused by a lack of caffeine. Or a blood sugar spike. If that is the case, he should switch off his communication devices, and breathe deeply. Have some coffee, and take a walk around the block to adjust his chemistry.

If he seriously believes what he wrote, he needs help.
And, possibly, a restraining order.

I am one week away from the second shot. Something to which I am keenly looking forward. Can't wait till I can beam 5G radiation at people.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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