Wednesday, March 03, 2021


Since the whole thing about genders started, I have realized that I know far too little to form an opinion. Two genders seemed okay to me, and I remain altogether unconcerned with whatever gender uses the stall next to me, as well as unaware. More to the point, it is not my business, nor anything I should care about. Apparently gender is more complex than that.

No, I shan't do the reading, follow the research, investigate the issue.

It is none of my beeswax.

I'm fine with whatever gender nouns you wish to use. If you are somewhere in-between the two extremes of gender, I have sympathy for the unclearly charted territory you find yourself in, but, actually, I'm far more interested in what you think about other issues.
I realize there's a lot more there than I'm familiar with.
But I'm not interested in all the details.

Same with people who fall into clearly defined and recognizable gender types and roles. Please don't tell me what you do with your privates. That is not why we are together in a public place enjoying beverages. I do not want to know what type you say is your type. Nor do I wish to share with you what my type is, you have no need to know me that well.

Your fetishes are in the same category.
That's your business.

My personal third person pronouns of choice are "he", "his", "him", and "his grace".

As in "he would indeed like a cup of tea, that would please him enormously, and his grace finds your children utterly repulsive".

Generalizations: women seem slightly more aware of, or concerned about, this issue than men. Older people are more likely to be confused by it. And Republicans are obsessed beyond all reason. Religious people, especially Christians, think that their opinions on the subject are important; they are wrong.

From which it logically follows that middle-aged Republican Christian women are a pain in the gand, and are possibly far too interested in eliminative functions.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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