Sunday, March 21, 2021


What we can learn from San Francisco's vaccine allocations is that single white men between fifty five and sixty five years old are not considered worthwhile to society.
We are absolutely and completely expendable.

E-mail I received from the City and County of San Francisco on February 24th. below:

Thanks for signing up for notifications about the COVID-19 vaccine. Based on what you told us, you are eligible to get the vaccine.
We've opened high volume vaccination sites, which have a limited number of appointments available. Vaccinations are free and you do not need insurance.

[Embedded link] Get vaccinated against COVID-19

Even if you are eligible, there may not be an appointment available right now. Please be patient. Keep checking for available appointments.

[Embedded link] Get more information on the COVID-19 vaccine in San Francisco.

Thank you,
City and County of San Francisco

Dear City and County of San Francisco. I've tried to get the bloody vaccine for four weeks now. No dice. But every damned bartender I know, as well as street people and many other non-essential personell, seems to have already gotten it, or be in line to get it.

Perhaps that's because my particular demographic (SWM 55-65) is only useful to society as recipients of opprobrium -- apparently we are what's wrong with the world -- or as targets for beer advertising, erectile dysfunction meds, little purple pill pitches, or opportunistic pleas for funding from Republican politicians running for office. So the playing field is not even. You cannot claim that we're all getting a fair crack.

You know something, dear City and County of San Francisco? They never should have put you in charge of vaccine distribution. Y'all suck at it.

This past week alone nearly three dozen of my social media friends and contacts have happily mentioned that they're getting the vaccine. It's good to know that I have friends and contacts who now stand far less chance of dying of the Republican virus.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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