Sunday, March 07, 2021


Bananas. Lemonade. Coffee. And medications. The logical suspects are either the bananas or the medications. My blood pressure pills are known for making one's dreams vivid, and sometimes memorable. But banana makes me itch, and does weird things to the muscles and the senses. Normally I avoid bananas unless they're cooked (which neutralizes whatever that is that does that), but last night's cake for dinner had, as it's third layer, banana chunks in stiff whipped cream. Raw banana. And it was delicious. Our landlady seems to have an endless reference sheet for bakeries in the Bay Area that use lots of butter and whipped cream.
Unlike many people of East Asian ancestry, she does not have a lactose intolerance thing. Probably one major reason she gets along so well with my apartment mate.
Same fondness for dairy.

In any case, I have never been to San Antonio. Or even anywhere in Texas at all. So I wonder why in my dream I had an ID card from the San Antonio Water District which I had to show to a large female bus driver.
Apparently my face did not look honest enough.
I had to prove something.

Please understand, I have an intellectual dislike of Texas, because ever sine Anne Richards passed away they've been skeevy, and Molly Ivins is dead too. They've been trying to get over strongminded intelligent women for over a decade. Almost as if their precious feelings were hurt by the experience. Having someone talking back to men-folk wounded them.

It was a very vivid dream. Vibrant. Transport and water services related. Seeing as it took place in Texas, it could qualify as a nightmare, except there was no urgency, fear, or gothic element whatsoever. Heat and bordedom. Dust. Vehicles falling apart.
That has to be the banana talking.

There is still lots of cake left over.

I'll have some more this evening.

For the last quarter of a century, Texas has consistently voted for mental defectives and monumental jackasses. Which perfectly represents what they're all about down there.
Also explains Louis Gohmert's political career.
Baylor Law School's brightest.

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