Sunday, January 31, 2021


Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles is a mass vaccination site. Yesterday the antivax people shut it down for a while with a protest against vaccination.

If something like that happens when I am in line to get vaccinated, there may be bloodshed. Personally, I think all anti-vax people should be rounded up and thrown into a pit, but unfortunately that's not do-able yet, and besides, the bodies would stink.

One person assured me recently that the vaccine would alter my DNA. Firstly, that's credulous bs, and secondly, it's a bit late in the game to worry about that. Seeing as so far not a single woman has actually been crazy enough.

But it's nice of antivaxxers to worry about my "precious manly juices".
Stark raving batshit bonkers, but nice.
I guess.

In other news: a medical person friend on the other side of the country was experiencing a trauriges alteremudigkeits wust und motzei shabbes gefühl last night.
I keenly feel for him.

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