Friday, January 01, 2021


Per tradition, one must say "rabbit rabbit" first thing in the morning on the first day of the month. No, I don't know what the basis is, or how this came about. It's supposed to bring good luck.
I am not a superstitious man. But I've done this as long as I can remember.

One of my friends, a skeptical man, says "roast rabbit". Which is sheer heresy to the friends who have rabbits as pets, and my apartment mate would probably clobber him, because her family had a pet rabbit when she was young. So, sadly, I cannot provide a recipe here.

Don't want to get clobbered.
What I will say is that the fine fellow in the illustration above probably likes fine Virginias and Virginia Perique blends, as these have a sweetness, and are frequently slightly reminiscent of hay, wild herbs, bakeries, and autumn fruits.

And that pipe is probably a Peterson, with the famous p-lip. Easier to clench for some animals than the Dunhill Fishtail, or the Charatan Double Comfort bit. Like him, I too often smoke a Peterson (of which I have several), but I've had the p-lip stems replaced with regular tapered bits on a few of them.
Mr. Rabbit has not given why he likes the p-lip much thought. It works for him, and that's good enough. He wishes he could enjoy his pipe with a hot cup of tea, but the rest of residents in the warren are just SO annoying -- have you ever thought of quitting I have a pamphlet you should read Jayzus that stinks hey did someone set fire to your pelt -- so he heads on out to smoke.

It's not that smoking is antisocial, or meant to be so. Times have changed, and a wave of blistering puritanism and societal disapproval have taken over.
All a rabbit wants is some tea and a smoke.

Happy New Year.

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