Sunday, January 17, 2021


Someone thoughtlessly posted a picture of Stephen Colbert with a pipe sticking out of his mouth on a pipe group page. Which prompted a number of people to spew bile. Because, apparently, Stephen Colbert sets off the rightwing snowflakes. Most of whom probably smoke drecky aromatic pouch blends and use antifungal cream on their private parts.

Please, dear readers, do NOT post a picture of Stephen Colbert in public places. His image traumatizes the poor suffering nazis. It hurts them.
If a representation of Stephen Colbert upsets your inner Trumpite, you might not be fit for human society. You're probably also peeved at Arnold Schwarzenegger right now.
Whether or not he's clenching a pipe.
Heck, anybody to the left of Hermann Goering might set you off.
With or whithout a tobacco pipe.

My piles bleed for you.

The expression "my piles bleed for you" should NOT be taken literally. It is meant as an ironic, snide, snarky, or rude expression of feigned sympathy. Because, honestly, I don't give a damn about your rightwing hosebag opionions or feelings. Suck it up, pancake.

I sincerely hope the National Guard troops shoot your ass when you're out there in front of your state capitol with your "stop the steal" or "hang Mike Pence signs.

Other people who might get triggered by a picture of Stephen Colbert with a pipe are probably vegans and anti-smokers. Who feel that it sets a bad example for the children how could he how horrible oh the humanity!

My piles bleed for them too.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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