Thursday, January 07, 2021


San Francisco has brought forth a larger than usual number of public figures who generate controversy. Among them, Ellen Lee Zhou, a former mayoral candidate.
Who went to Washington the other day to attend a rally.

In addition to other items of faith, Ellen Lee Zhou has stated that San Francisco has 75,000 unlawful dead voters.

She is pro-gun ownership, in favour of a border wall, and a staunch Republican. She also is a member of the Chinese American Alliance for Trump (美國華裔支持川普聯盟 'mei gwok waa yeui ji-chi chuen-pou luen meng').

Other than the statement below, there is no smoking gun.

"Most of those who attack Chinese are African-American. I don't blame the African-American community, but this is a social issue. Mayor Breed and most officials avoid discussing these social issues."

------李愛晨 ('Lei ngoi san')

She's a fervent Christian and extraordinarily anti-liberal.
Also a believer in Qanon and "the Deepstate".
And "God's supernatural intervention".

She's convinced that the election was stolen.
She'll undoubtedly go far.
Not here.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

At least she's a true patriot, unlike you you fucking immigrant.

Eric said...

If you're calling the author of 'A la recherche de temps perdu' a loony, I shall have to ask you to step outside!

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