Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Apparently the British wish to boycott Israel.

"UK arms export licences to Israel will be suspended only if there is fresh violence in Gaza, ministers have said. The UK has identified 12 licences for components which could be used in equipment in Gaza by Israel. It said it would suspend them "in the event of a resumption of significant hostilities"."
End quote.


Which begs the question: is there anything made in England, Wales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland, that anyone really needs?

Tiaras, perhaps? Ermine robes? Baked beans?

The reason I ask is because the British, by this action, put all the blame for recent events on Israel. Despite Hamas firing off rockets far too numerous to count, despite all Palestinian provocation, and despite the Muslim Brotherhood so ably assisting the only regime in the Middle-East that does not want to exterminate them for being a bunch of homicidal maniacs.

The British ask nothing of Hamas in return.

I did not in the past support the IRA. If the IRA and the Irish weren't such a bunch of pestilent Jew-haters, just like the British, I would seriously consider doing so now.

I will, however, refrain from buying British.
Much like I refrain from buying Irish.
Other than Jameson's whiskey.

Back to the question whether there is anything that I or anyone else might require that is made in Great Britain.

We have our own candy and woolens here, as well as some damned fine whiskeys. The British are not known for edible substances, don't know beans about coffee, and purchase tea from all the places where they used to massacre civilians, plus China. That last mentioned place is where most of their consumer goods come from anyway. There are no British restaurants to boycott; every fish and chip shop I know is owned by Koreans. Indian restaurants in the United States are anything but English, despite the boast that Indian food in London is better than anywhere else (it isn't).

Most, if not all, of my favourite British pipe tobaccos are manufactured in Germany (Kohlhase & Kopp) or Denmark (Orlik and MacBaren). The famous pipe brands that originated once in London are now either defunct or made in France and Italy. Bangers from local butchers, insofar as they are edible, are infinitely better than the beastly wursts from Blighty. English bacon is an abomination, crumpets are crap. British beer is rather horrid, especially when compared to many of the fine brews available locally, even in so-called Irish pubs.
Toffee and licorice are better elsewhere.
Tweed is useless in California.

Britain is hardly known for quality merchandise, and hasn't been in several decades.

The only things which I can boycott, then, are tinned Haggis, dark-hued Oxford Marmalade, and the remarkable line of Indian pickles and condiments made by Pataks Foods Ltd. in Leigh, Lancashire.
I can make better Haggis than the Scots -- actually, anybody can, but why would they want to is ever a mystery -- and I have several recipes for achars and chutneys, all of which I've made in the past.
Tinned haggis and jarred pickles are convenient.
But they are not essential at all.
Sorry, Pataks.


About the only effect of Britain refusing to export components to Israel is that the Israelis will make them themselves, rather than sourcing them from desperate British manufacturers, and make them far better, eventually competing with the English.

Oh, and I will have to forgo genuine Oxford Marmalade.
So some culinary experimentation may be necessary.
Never thought I'd say that about anything British.

By the way: The best tea STILL comes from China.
Don't know about that muck the British drink.
Good for their stomachs, I suppose.
Especially after a fry-up.


If you weren't already boycotting South Africa, feel free to do so now. SA President emeritus Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki has just rewarded his paymasters. Proving that the new South Africa is just as morally bankrupt as the old South Africa was alleged to be.
Nope, shan't even mention their epidemic of rape.
That's a prized part of local culture.
As well as a way of life.

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