Sunday, December 08, 2013


That wasn't a good idea. The potato chips were okay. The healthful yoghurt drink was fine. The delicious barbecued chicken rib sandwich may have been a mistake. Especially after adding ketchup, mustard, hotsauce, and capers. And sliced peppers. This batch of chilies was particularly vicious.
So even the ameliorating effect of marmalade (sweet, citrusy, beneficial to the stomach lining) was wasted. The effect I was aiming for was "tangy barbecue sauce".

I may have misfired. The aim was off.
The concept was bad from the git-go.

Italian sausage grilled with Cayenne?

I should know better than to attempt high cuisine after ten o'clock. Nobody has culinary judgement that late. It just ain't in the cards.

Yes, the sauce came out pleasantly glazy. Without even tasting it, I decided it would be better ("improved") if some hot lime pickle (nimbu achar) was added. A man needs zest in his life.

I have profound regrets.

Woke up with "angst".

Running on empty.

Learning curve.


NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

Better than waking up grumpy. I usually let her sleep.

The back of the hill said...


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