Sunday, December 08, 2013


An oldy but goody from 2009. Now presented in bullet list format, so that you can print it out and tack it up where it's visible. Like just above your phone, or to the right of your computer.
Suggestions & improvements welcomed.
I am here to help.


When speaking to salesreps, bear in mind that they are simple folks and data confuses them. They cannot handle more than one thought at a time.

SO: If you need to discuss TWO issues (such as: 1. a past-due invoice; and 2. a deduction taken on a previous payment), please do the following:
  • Have TWO phone conversations, at least two weeks apart - one for each issue. This will keep them from jumbling the two together.
  • Speak slowly, use simple words. They will understand better, and be able to read their own notes.
  • Ask them to repeat back to you what you just told them. This is to ensure that the words, if not the meaning, have penetrated.
  • Call them back a day later, to check if they need help, reminders, or further explanation.
  • Reward them with positive and comforting interjections, like "good!", "marvelous", "you're SO smart", "fabulous!".
  • Immediately make notes in the file. Whatever you said will change in many ways over time. Do not expect them to remember the details - they're too busy for that.

Other things to keep in mind:
  • Repetition – they may not have heard you the first time. Repetition – they may not have heard you the first time. Repetition – they may not have heard you the first time. Repetition – they may not have heard you the first time. Repetition – they may not have heard you the first time. Repetition – they may not have heard you the first time.
  • Always say 'hello'.
  • Always say 'thank you'.
  • Always say 'goodbye' – it could be the only way to END the conversation.

And please try to be as understanding as you possibly can.
Let them know that, they will appreciate it.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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