Sunday, July 29, 2012


People thinking of taking their first trip to the old world could scarcely do better than to visit the Netherlands and Belgium. There are a number of cities which are well worth visiting, as well as historic places, and a fascinating society and culture.

Three towns suggest themselves: Amsterdam, Antwerp, and Eindhoven.

Amsterdam is the cultural capital of the North, and has many famous museums. It is a lovely city, and strolling around the central part admiring the canals and discovering interesting little stores can happily occupy several hours. There is tasty food, and quite a bit of nightlife too.

Antwerp is the cultural and business capital of the Flemish (Southern Dutch), and in addition to a splendid Gothic Cathedral and a beautiful late mediaeval grand square, has innumerable fine restaurants. Flemish cuisine is extraordinairily good.
Flanders comes vibrantly alive here, and the city is more of a must see and must experience than most settlements of equal age.
It also has museums and nightlife.

Eindhoven is the industrial center in the South-East of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, famous for Philips Electronics, a renowned technical university, research facilities, the Van Abbe Museum, and surprisingly good eateries in the city centre as well as the picturesque surrounding villages. Brabanders live well, and take pride in their cuisine.
The bar scene at night is quite lively.

I usually base myself in Amsterdam, then take day-trips to Antwerp for the food.

I love all three of these cities, but I always make sure to spend some time in Eindhoven and its environs, enjoying the gently rolling countryside and the many hospitable cafes and auberges.
Life, in North Brabant, is more relaxed than elsewhere.


For young people especially, these three cities offer an additional advantage.
Please compare these rankings:

Cocaine: Antwerp, Amsterdam, Valencia, Eindhoven.

XTC: Utrecht, Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Antwerp.

Amphetamines: Eindhoven, Antwerpen, Amsterdam, Utrecht.

THC: Amsterdam, Paris, Utrecht and Barcelona tie for third place, Eindhoven and Castellón tie for fourth.

[Source: . ]

If you really must visit the rest of Europe, consider Valencia, Paris, Barcelona, and that other municipality no one has ever heard of. 
Plus Utrecht.
But really, there isn't much point.


No wonder the Dutch are batshit crazy.
We're whacked to the gills.
Coke, speed, xtc.
Good lord.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Fuckleberry Hinn said...

Where's the best koshere essen?

The back of the hill said...

Of the three cities I recommend, that would be found without a doubt in Antwerp. The Amsterdam kehilla does have a few restaurants, but as a group they blend into the food-culture of the surrounding gentiles, excepting some restaurants that cater to Israelis and Amerikaner. Eindhoven does not have a Jewish community large enough to sustain even a schochet.

The best herring, however, is definitely in Amsterdam. And we believe that the appearance, smell, and dimension of a matjes herring is, ab initio, a siman muvhak. But note that many herring stands ALSO sell seafood products in addition to the herring which lack either snapper or kaskeses, so mi deoraita one is limited in Mokum Alef as regards partaking of the specialty of the region. Koif by a kosjere visventer.

Jan said...

Drugs and cuisine; the basis of a great vacation.

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