Monday, July 02, 2012


Over the past few weeks I’ve realized that I need new friends. Not there’s a darn thing wrong with the friends I already have, mind you, and I very much intend on keeping them.
I value my friendships.

It’s just that I don’t have exceptionally many of them.
I am not a very friend-friendly person.

I tend to fall into ruts and routines. After a while I’ll start to figure out someone’s though patterns, and then anticipate methodologies of circumventing some conversational gambits, and shooting down other discussions before the horse has had a chance to leave the gate.
New people keep you on your toes. You never know what they’re going to say.
Yes, a number of my old friends keep surprising me; they’ve got springy minds.
But I still require a regular lack of complete predictability.

An old friend who has since died once lamented the gradual attrition among his circle.  Most of whom were antiquities.
My advice at that time was that he needed to get out and start making younger friends. Acquire greater breadth in his social life. The ideal, I told him at the time, was to have a whole bunch of freshly buoyant folks at every birthday party happily eating cake.
Some even in their single digits – they’ll get older eventually.
At the very least, several strong young men.
Coffins can be mighty heavy.

I need to follow my own advice. There’s always far too much cake, someone else needs to help me eat it.
Well, not so much strong young men, as I have no intention of leaving soon.
Besides, by the time I go, caskets will be auto-levitational.
As well as foldably disposable.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

Alligator Wrestler said...

"Strong young men" - sounds absolutely DIVINE!
Man, what I would do for several strong young men.

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