Friday, October 15, 2010


From the Telegraaf: "Geert Wilders is 'ontzettend blij' dat het Openbaar Ministerie (OM) vrijdag tot de conclusie is gekomen dat hij geen strafbare feiten heeft gepleegd met zijn uitspraken. De PVV-leider wees erop dat het al de tweede keer is dat het OM dit zegt; de eerste keer was toen het besloot Wilders niet te vervolgen. In opdracht van het hof in Amsterdam is dat alsnog gebeurd. "

[Translation: Geert Wilders is extremely happy that the Ministry of Public Affairs (OM) on Friday came to the conclusion that he did not commit punishable offenses with his utterances. The PVV leader pointed out that this is the second time that the OM has said this - the first time was when they decided not to prosecute. In furtherance of the court in Amsterdam this nevertheless happened.]

Article: Wilders: ik ben ontzettend blij


I suppose this won’t prove jack to the folks that still refuse to accept that the Dutch legal system is NOT the same as the American legal system, that the many differences ARE completely valid, and that intemperate criticism of a foreign country's legal processes, if based on ignorance and praeconception, is remarkably stupid......


"Dutch prosecutors have recommended acquitting leading anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders on all five charges of hate speech. They said his comments had targeted Islam, not Muslims, and he had the right to comment on social issues."


"Prosecutors Birgit van Roessel and Paul Velleman ... (cut) "It would be hurtful to many Muslims when Wilders calls for a ban on the Koran but the feelings of this group can play no role in determining the facts of the case." "
End quote.

This is the Dutch legal equivalent of a full acquittal.

[CORRECTION QUITE A BIT LATER: Darn, I forgot that the Dutch legal system allows for even greater weirdness - There will have to be a retrial because one of the members of the court tried to influence a witness, and in consequence the entire trial was thrown out. Didn't ANYBODY give that juridiot a handbook to his own legal system?!?]

It confirms that even in the Netherlands, castigated these many months by rabid rightwingers and the teaparty insane, the law is still the law. It just isn't written the same way as United States law. Nor is there any reason it should be.
Dutch freedoms predate American liberty by several centuries.
They have a bit of tradition behind them.


The Dutch Public Prosecutors Office has in the recent past received death threats from many Americans (a lot of which, remarkably, used rhetoric to be found word for word on a certain strident East-Coast bitch moron's blog, a source of hate speech par excellence, nota bene), and they will now undoubtedly receive death threats from loosely affiliated elements of JVP, Int'l ANSWER, Berkeley, and many people in the Muslim world.

It would be so nice if all these opinionated 'letter writers' would actually learn Dutch, and do some research about the Dutch legal and political environment, before they took poison pen to paper.
I despair of that ever happening. Ignorance is bliss.

NOTE: If you wish, you may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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