Thursday, June 03, 2010


In reaction to a rather blistering piece I wrote recently about the Dutch and their strident insistence that the Israelis release the pro-Hamas activists on the Mavi Marmara pronto, as well as their automatic hypocritical demand that the Israelis submit to an international inquiry and the usual accusation that of course the Israelis were to blame, I received a comment which was … interesting.

Naturally I responded.

Far be it from me NOT to have the last word.

Especially when arguing with someone Dutch.

Beste betwetend stuk Nederlandsche treif,
[My dear knowitall piece of Dutch crap, ]

Hoezo racist? Zijn die verachtelijke Kaaskoppen nu een ras? Dat zou ik nooit geraden hebben, daar de NSBers hun altoos als gewoon Germanen bestempelden.
[In what way racist? Are the despicable Cheeseheads now a race? I would never have guessed that, as the NSBers always insisted that they were just Germanics.]

En inderdaad, het waren de Nederlanders die de Joden voor de Duitsers met namen en addressen hebben verraden, de Nederlanders die in opdracht van de Duitsers hun arresteerden, de Nederlandsche bankiers en bureaucraten die Joden beroofden, de Nederlandsche spoorweg ambtenaren en employees die hun de karren in gepropt hebben en op zeer efficiente en uitstekend uitgevoerde manier transporteerden, de Nederlanders die hun terugkeer zuur onthaalden en slechts onder dwang een uiterst gering gedeelte van het gestolene erug gaven.
[And indeed, it was the Dutch who betrayed the Jews with names and addresses, the Dutch who on behalf of the Germans arrested them, the Dutch bankers and bureaucrats who robbed them, the Dutch railway officials and employees who jammed them into the wagons and very efficiently and with thoroughness transported them, the Dutch who gave them a sour welcome on their return and only under duress returned a minimal portion of that which was stolen.]

Dat er kaaskoppen tijdens de oorlog stierven klopt. Velen van hun waren NSBers en SS leden. Anderen werden, door mede Nederlanders, net zo verraden als de Joden.
[That there were Cheeseheads who died during the war is correct. Many were NSBers and SS members. Others were, like the Jews betrayed by their fellow Dutch.]

Ulieden vochten nauwelijks. Maar collaboreerden als bezetenen.
[You lot hardly fought. But collaborated like mad.]

En dat ulieden de Amerikanen in de reet kruipen is een feit. Dat is een bekwaamheid van uw politici. Maar betrouwbare bondgenoten? Nauwelijks.
[And that you lot kiss up to the Americans is a fact. That’s a particular specialty of your politicians. But reliable allies? Hardly.]

De enige Nederlanders met wie ik in zeer grotendele sympathie heb zijn Indos. Maar ja, die hebben jullie OOK als dreck behandeld; hun ontvang was in grotendele net zo zuur als dat van de teruggekeerde Joden.
[The only Dutch people for whom I largely have sympathy are the Indo-Dutch. But heck, you guys treated them like shit too; their reception was, in a large part, just as sour as that of the returned Jews.]

NOTE: The Dutch reader has since commented that the Dutch are a race, and that I am a bigot for not liking them.

The Dutch are NOT a race. They're just an average bunch of Eurotrash.

Discussion continues.

Feel free to join in.

If anyone wishes to explore the Dutch world further, here are clickable lables:

Rottekaas *** GeertWilders *** DUTCH LESSONS *** Dutch perversions *** Europe

These five ought to keep you entertained for a while.


e-kvetcher said...

Ahhh, the Dutch...

The back of the hill said...

Ahhh, the very quintessence of cheese.

Mar Gavriel said...

"Treif" = crap? That's so interesting!

The back of the hill said...

Tayere Mar Gavriel,

That 'treife' translates as 'crap' is typical of its use in Dutch slang. Specifically 'Randstad' slang - the colloquial of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, and the cities and towns in between, that being a fairly tight cultural unit and the most densely populated part of the country.

In Surinamese Dutch and in Sranantongo, 'trefu' (treif) usually means something that is taboo, or even ritually forbidden to practitioners of Winti, an Afro-Caribbean religion related to Santeria, Houdoun, etcetera.

There's an on-line Sranan dictionary HERE
It's a fun browse.

Mar Gavriel said...

Is it from the Hebrew/Yiddish טריפה?

The back of the hill said...

In the Netherlands it comes from Hebrew/Yiddish.

But in Suriname it comes from Hebrew/Ladino/Judeo-Portuguese. The Jews in Suriname were originally from Recife in Brazil.

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