Friday, June 11, 2010


Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) describes itself as a diverse and democratic community of activists inspired by Jewish tradition to work together for peace, social justice, and human rights, supporting the aspirations of Israelis and Palestinians for security and self-determination. They seek "an end to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem" and oppose Israel Defense Forces operations in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

[Source: ]


In practice, Jewish Voice for Peace is a pro-Palestinian group nominally composed of Jews. They are co-enablers and fellow-travelers of the more rabid anti-Israel activists and organizations, apologists for the excesses of both the pro-Palestinians as well as Hamas.

Their members usually stand with SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine), Women in Black, Codepink, and International A.N.S.W.E.R. at anti-Israel rallies here in the Bay Area.

Given their (JVP's) presence at protests where the other pro-Palestinians chanted "ba ruh ba dam nafdeek ya Falastin" ('with our souls and our blood we will redeem you oh Palestine' - reflecting the desire to stake their lives, and implicitly swearing to use violence), "itbach al Yahud" ('slaughter the Jews'), "kahybar khabar ya yahud, jaish-e Muhammad saya'ud" ('Khaybar Khabar, oh Jews, the gang of Muhammad will return!'), "Falastin bladna wa'l Yahud kalabna" ('Palestine is OUR land and the Jews are our dogs'), "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" (say, ain't there a country called Israel in between?), "down down Israel" (um, I guess that's pretty clear, huh?), and where speaker after speaker advocated the destruction of Israel, the expulsion of Jews from the land (and, once even, from Oakland), spoke about sending the Israelis back to Russia, and so on and so forth, those 'Jews' in JVP have absolutely NO plausible deniability.

They have stood side by side with people screaming for murder, ethnocide, and the violent overthrow of both the Israeli government and the US government.

Solidarity be damned, they need to be judged on their causes and their comrades.


Many of their members also overlap into other organizations, such as the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, the Arab Resource Organizing Committee, Students for Justice in Palestine (rabidly anti-Israel AND venomous, despite the Jews who are members), the ISM, Meca, and others. Plus of course QUIT and BAWIB - also ennablers and apologists.

Not only do many of these organizations and individuals oppose the policies of the Israeli government, they oppose the very existence of Israel. The only Israel they will even consider is a rump-state, without Jerusalem, without Galilea, without the Negev, and without the Golan. Many even argue that Tel Aviv needs to be returned.

In their eyes, terrorism is justified as the natural response of the repressed natives, both righteous and perfect, and quibbling about Jewish civilian deaths is merely a form of racism and Nazism.

Several of them advocate a socialist paradise in lieu of two states, the complete return of anyone who ever called himself a Palestinian Arab, and the repatriation of American and Russian Jews. Some even argue that only Middle-Eastern Jews should be allowed to remain, and that the official language be Arabic only.

JVP'ers will happily stand with supporters of murder and terrorism, basking in the glow of solidarity and self-righteousness.

Like many organizations composed of hypocrites and weasels, their name does not betray their loathsomeness - that only comes with exposure to their methods and their street-side rhetoric.


Ari said...

And those who say that they are just useful idiots, and that they are only interested in killing Jews, might take a look at the protester in 2008 who held a sign lettered "Death to all (Zionist) Juice."

That particular gentleman turned out to be one Mr. Carlos Almonte, who was just arrested a few days ago by US authorities for attempting to travel to the Mid East to kill Americans.

Here's the NY Times article that discusses this interesting chapter:

And here's his latest picture -- a mug shot:

Anonymous said...

Jewish Voice for Peace:

A bigger disgrace to the Jewish people than Dr. Laura Schlessinger.

Jews for the Destruction of the Jewish State.

I don't know, too long for a sign at a rally?

Yeedel Ben Kaikstein said...

Huh, I guess you don't like Berekely much.

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