Tuesday, June 01, 2010


Steffy posted a dynamite piece about the Turks today.


“The IHH (Islan Haklary Ve Hurriyetleri Vakfi), as you know, is the outfit that sponsored and filled the Mavi Marmara - that being the ship on which the peace-activists became violent and murderous. The vast majority of passengers on that boat were Turkish islamists and radicals. Some with Al Qaeda and Hamas connections.
If the international community does not thoroughly examines the cargo and the passenger list, they should really shut up about what happened. Discretion would suit them well.”
End quote.

Patiently, she takes us through the beginnings of Islamic Charities and their terror connections all the way to the present day.

Quote:"The European countries now decrying Israel’s justified interdiction of the convoy all have Turkish immigrants and unruly Arabs. None of them wish to face up to the possibility that Turkey, once again, is becoming their enemy. Many of them sent volunteers and parliamentarians to assist IHH.
Now they turn a blind eye to the involvement of a terror-supporting Turkish charity, and parrot the rantings of Erdogan, an un-apologetic admirer of Ahmedinejad and Chavez, an instigator of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism, a friend and ally of Syria, and a militant Islamist."
End quote.

I rather doubt that the Europeans have the mental acuity to draw the necessary conclusions. After all, many of them support Hamas - because it, too, is a charity. With a doctor at the helm.

And Hamas is anti-American, so, like Hezbollah, in European eyes it is commendable.
I'm rather sour on Europeans at present.


Anonymous said...

Turkey still lies about the Armenian Holocaust and has never issued an apology or any sort of reparations. What do you expect from them?

Ari said...

Gutsy kid defending Israel's right to protect itself:


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