Monday, June 14, 2010


Today I am manfully resisting the temptation to write about pornography, much as I wish to explore the subject. The reason being that there is far too much pornography on Jameel's blog, in the comments section.
It is a fascinating discussion, with much profound expertise being flung back and forth.
Research, intensive research, has been done.

Pornography, though utterly intriguing, is not the subject here.
Therefore I shall not mention short, round-headed brunettes, nor delicate hands, and dark sparkling eyes. Smooth clear skin, and kissy lips.
Naked or not.

Nor even, despite much demand, underage camels, with sleek well-muscled hindquarters - the object of desire, apparently, for many in strange parts of the world.

For the love of Allah, will no one think of the underage camels??!!????!!??

Gevalt-hu akbar!

Of course, now that I have mentioned smut in some detail, anything else I write about today will likely fade into insignificance. I cannot write about pipe-tobacco, because in comparison to lovely videos of sweet young things performing staggering acts with gay abandon, that subject will seem shallow - many of my readers are not that interested in pipe-tobacco even at the best of times.
By the same token I cannot write about fabulous pork dishes - porn and pork don't go together, and you probably cruised in here to get away from treif anyhow.
How about Chinese Poetry?
Why, that brings up pork and porn again! Or at least it does in some people's minds.
Mine, for instance.


Stockton Street, Chinatown, San Francisco. A lovely sunny afternoon (yesterday).
Delicate maidens, short and round-headed, wearing airy summer dresses, or light blouses.
A gentle zephyr ruffles their fine dark hair, creating trailing clouds of gossamer mahogany behind each well-sculpted head.

At one o'clock I ducked into a bakery for a dowsabao and a kaleikok, tongmai yat pui ka-fey. While lunching I noticed that there were misspellings in both languages on the menu - some unauthorized short forms of Chinese characters, plus "moose". Moose?

Moose?!? Moose?!!?!!?

The kaleikok was mediocre, the dowsabao was too big. I did not try the moose.
Upon leaving, I had difficulty not thinking of the petite and shorter than me female forms so omni-present on Stockton Street, with the tapered little fingers, small feet, and sparkling eyes.
They surrounded me, but I controlled my bestial urges.

I did not even once think of naughty naughty racing camels, with nicely veined haunches and deep deep eyes!

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:

All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

gastronomically amphibious said...

You should try the moose; a little gamy, perhaps, but well braised.

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