Monday, April 05, 2010


Martin Bell wrote: "Mature cheddar, Branston pickle and a pint of Murphys. Now all I need is for all you people to stop speaking with that silly accent and I'd feel right at home..."

The first item sounds lovely. The second..... mmmmm, not so much.
And the third..... well, Murphys is probably chometz.
As is the second (go on, read the list of ingredients).

But the combination sounds a lot better than stale chocolate, hard-boiled eggs, and stewed bunny rabbit, don't you agree?

Fortunately Savage Kitten served neither Martin Bell's choice, nor the chocolate, egg-salad, and lapin a la moutarde dinner.

"Gehakte eier makes me flatulent!"

"How is that different than all other foods?"

"Shut up, you evil feline!"

That, more or less, reproduces a conversation between myself and Savage Kitten.

She's unadulteratedly secular, like most Cantonese-Americans, and consequently as nearly oblivious of the nasty heathen connotations of the holiday as she is of the fine Jewish Chag from which it mutated.
Hence she is not vested in bad chocolate and a surfeit of eggs. She is by no means on the same plate as everybody else.

For the good of mankind she decided against laying an Easter upon me.

Instead she served brisket, preceded by gefilte fish. Both of us love gefilte fish.
No bunny rabbit. No coloured eggs. No holy zombie.

Yesterday was just rain, books, brisket, tea, and several bowls of strong pipe-tobacco.
Possibly the best Easter ever.
I wonder if Martin Bell had it that good.


The back of the hill said...

Painted eggs: the whore of Babylon of comestibles.

Bread-of-affliction kugel, bread-of-affliction mush with milk and cinnamon, pan-fried bread-of-affliction with sausage, bread-of-affliction lasangna, bread-of-affliction fatoush, bread-of-affliction casserole, bread-of-affliction pizza?

Bread-of-affliction with lutefisk?

Urk. That's all I have to say. Urk.

Martin said...

Ha ha!Well, being a heathen in love with a Jehovah's Witness, Easter completely passed us by. But the bad weather did lead us to make some butternut squash soup and toasted cheese with more of that cheddar. And more Murphys.

Tzipporah said...

oh man. I could live without bread for a while, but I've been craving a nice Black Butte Porter all week. Adding cheese and pickles makes it divine.


We actually did pretty well this week - turkey chili (no beans), meatloaf, roast meats, homemade veggie bites that even the kids loved... never got around to making chocolate toffee matzoh, though, so Bad Cohen is irked. Nor did I do the annual spaghetti squash with basil - maybe I'll just wait til tomorrow night and make it with real spaghetti.

Damn! now I'm thinking about beer.

gastronomically amphibious said...

There's nowt wrong with stewed rabbit.

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